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Quick cost update

3 replies [Last post]
Nathan Burman
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Does anyone know a quick way to match budgeted non labour cost to at completion non labour cost? My programme is cost loaded to around 400 activties.

My EFC has risen higher than my budget and now we are re baselining the budgets to match EFC.




Dieter Wambach
User offline. Last seen 7 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Nathan
First, I’m not 100% sure for my reply:
1. Budgeted Costs for an assignment is by default calculated rate*units.
2. You may set a different rate, if for "rate source" override is selected.
3. You may set a parameter for a project - under the tab "calculations" - that units will be calculated on costs.

Then you may create a global change in the goup "resource assigments".
"If budgeted non-labour units > 0 (or any appropriate criterium)
Then Budgeted Cost = At Completion cost"

The walkthrough will be by assignment and so budgeted cost will be for this specific assignment.
Hope this will help
Nathan Burman
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Thanks Dieter,

I’m not sure I conveyed what it is I am trying to do well enough. I need to actually change each Budgeted Nonlabour Cost field to match the At Completion Nonlabour Cost against each indivual activity.

Rather than doing this manually one by one is there a fast way to make one match the other on every activty?



Dieter Wambach
User offline. Last seen 7 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 1350
Hi Nathan

You’ll need a Baseline. Then you can display: "Variance - BL Project Nonlabor Cost". (right mouse click in the table area --> Columns --> costs --> BL... )