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Changing base currency in P6

9 replies [Last post]
Bijaya Bajracharya
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The default base currency in P6 is USD. The normal process of Admin/Currencies does not allow me to tick other currencies to use as base currency. Can someone suggest how this can be done?


Khuong Do
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I write an article regarding How to change currency in Primavera P6 and How is data stored when using multiple currencies.

If you're interested, kindly read here

Bijaya Bajracharya
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Thank you both Dieter and Rodel,

Yes it does work.
Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Bijaya,

Dieter is correct. You can change the Time units under Admin or User Preferences if you tick Allow Users to specify the number of work hours for each time period. Please note that this is per Users and affect to all the Projects. You may need to adjust this as per Open Project to suit you project calendars otherwise it will show funny durations.

Dieter Wambach
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Admin -- Admin Preferences --> Time Periods
will change for all projects, views, reports
If you’ll mark "Users..." Users may change these units under
Edit --> User Preferences --> Time Units.
But pay attention: Per user, not per project!
Bijaya Bajracharya
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Thanks Rodel,

It worked.

Under User Preferences/Time Units, how to change the Hours per Time Period?

As default it has 8 hrs/day or 40 hrs/week (172 hrs/month).
I want to change those to suit exactly the way it works (eg 7 hrs/day, 35 hrs/week).

I have changed the calendar to show that but at user preference, it does not seem to have any effect.
Rodel Marasigan
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Users currency can change only under Edit -> User Preferences. Click Currency Tab and select a currency for viewing monetary values.

Bijaya Bajracharya
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But in Price/unit for resources, P6 seems to have $/h as default unit even when I have £ as my base currency.
Bijaya Bajracharya
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Thank you very much. It was very quick answer and one that really worked.

Thank you once again.
Dieter Wambach
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Hi Bijaya
Fortunately you just have to do it once.
You’ll have to replace the US$ within the marked line. It is not possible to select another currency by marking.
1. Delete all currencies you won’t need
2. Enter the name of the base currency into the marked line
3. Check for decimal comma or point
4. Check the currency factors against the new base currency
5. Add US$ - if needed.