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S Curve Late Dates

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Philip Richards
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Any advise please?

I have produced an S Curve Report in P5, based on subject area ’Activity Resource & Role Assignments’. It shows Early Target (based on ’Remaining Early Cost’, and Late Target (based on ’Remaining Late Cost’.

I now need to incorporate ’cost account’ costs.

The problen is, that when I run the Report Wizard (based on subject area ’Activity’), there is no option under the ’Time Interval’ field, to show ’Remaining Late Cost’. Only Remaining Total Cost is available (whic will be based on Early dates.)

Only way I can think of to get the ’Late Costs’, is to re-schedule the activities to happen as late as possible (Backward Pass), but cannot find a way in P5 to do this.

Can anyone help please?


Rodel Marasigan
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Richard and all,

The report you require is available in P5. You can create a remaining & late cost S-Curve and same as Remaining and Late Cost cumulative and time interval distribution.
Please follow the steps below to get it directly from P5.
Open your project and select the activity module or select Project -> Activities on your P5 menu.
1) To show S-Curve click Resource Usage Profile icon.
2) You should have a screen split in to 4 windows. (Activity Window, Gantt Chart Window, Resource Window and Profile Window)
3) On the bottom left (Resource window) Right Click and select Filter by -> Current Project Resources.
4) On bottom right (Profile window) Right Click and select Resource Profile Option.
5) On the Data Tab tick Remaining Early and Remaining Late on both by Date and Cumulative.
6) Tick Cost and click Okay.
You should have a “Remaining and Late S-Cure” display on your screen

1) To show Remaining and Late Cost click Resource Usage Spreadsheet icon.
2) You should have 5 split windows on your screen (Activity Window, Gantt Chart Window, Resource Window, Activity Resource Assignment Window and Spreadsheet window)
3) On the bottom left (Resource window) Right Click and select Filter by -> Current Project Resources.
4) On the bottom middle window (Activity Resource Assignment Window) Right Click and select Group & Sorted by-> Customise
5) Select Cost Account on Group by (or depends on what grouping you requires)
6) Tick Show Summaries Only and Click Ok.
7) On the Bottom Right (spreadsheet window) Right Click and select Spreadsheet Fields -> Customize.
8) Under Cumulative and Interval groups fields click Cost and you should be able to find Remaining Early and Late fields.
9) Select the fields you required to show and you should have that on your spreadsheet.

Should you require more assistance please let me know.

Dieter Wambach
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Hi Sean
your first hint seems simple and excellent - I’ll try.
In P6 I couldn’t find an improvement for this item.
sean carroll
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Hi Richard,
I ahve had trouble with this before as well. I have made copies of the schedule and acheived late cost by two ways.
1. Global change all early dates to equal the late dates. Then report on those dates. If you schedule the project it will return all the early dates.
2. Added a start as late as possible constraint to every activity and scheduled the project. This will also give you a late curve.

I haven’t found an easy way to =acheive this yet. Maybe version 6 will have it?????

Regards Sean
Andrew Podolny
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Hi Richards,

Try the Tracking Layout --> Allocation Spreadsheet-->Spreadsheet Fields-->Customize (Under Time Interval there are Remaining Early Cost & Remaining Late Cost).

Maybe it helps.
