Fellow PP’ers,
I’m in need of some advice.
Somehow in my schedules when I start and finish an activity its actuals are automatically set to the budgeted units for the resource assignments on that activity, without any manual or automated entry of information.
The resources in question DO NOT have the ’auto compute actuals’ selected.
I don’t think any of my individual user preferences or project level preferences are affecting this but I am very confused. Also another planner in our organisation is having the same trouble, but oddly enough a third planner does not seem to suffer from this issue.
The activities are generally Resource Dependant, Fixed Duration Units/Time and Duration % Complete.
And we are using the timesheet module, but one of the resources that I’m using (Pool/Parent Resource) does not have a timesheet created for it.
I reckon I’ve got something ticked or checked somewhere that is causing this, what do you think??