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Resource Units & Leveling

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Minhas Shaikh
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Hi Planners,

I just want to clear my confusions for resource units for labour and non labour.
Labor and non labor. I have a schedule with activities for example 1) Install piping, 2) Electrical , 3) shop fabrication dia inches etc.
I have assigned resouce pipefitter for first two activities & Labour as a unit and shop fabrication for third activity non-labor as a unit.
I don’t know their way of calculation. I need to keep saperate resources units to activity duration and % complete.
what’s the procedure for assigning proper units I need laours in hours and non-labours in inches. How many units I would consider maximum.

second: How can I level resources if we need not more then 5000hurs/week.




mimoune djouallah
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"In addition, it can also drive the physical % complete base on actual hrs. Non labor unit is not counted when use EVMS"

is there any clause, reference of evms that say that explicitly.

thanks very much.

Alex Wong
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first part of your question. Labor / non labor unit

Labor unit is use in the EVMS calculation for CPI/SPI (Hr)
In addition, it can also drive the physical % complete base on actual hrs. Non labor unit is not counted when use EVMS.

Secondly, to level 5000hrs/week as your top usuage level.
2 ways you can achieve this
1. Firstly you determinate what exactly the trade personnel splite (ie 2000 hrs electrician 1000 hrs labor 500 hrs supervisor ...) then you level all the selected resource and view the resource usage to see whether it exceeds its 5000 hrs limited.

2. Create a dummy resource call "labor" set the maximum limit as 5000 hrs / week then copy the budgeted units to the "labor" and level the resource "labor" and verify the outcome.

I will suggest to give +/-10% to resource levelling for more reflexible simulation

Good Luck

amit parmar
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Second: If you need to level your resource to max 5000hrs/week.Then you need to calculate the unit/time according to total 5000hrs/week.Then assign this value in max units/time.Then you can veiw the resource usage profile according to week/month and use the option of showing overloading.The max units will be calculated as 5000hrs (if you have calulated the max units/time correctly) and then you can level the resouce accordingly.
amit parmar
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You can only assign units as Hrs for labour and non-labour units
If you want to assign separate units for your resource then you need to assign it as material resource.if the particular unit is not shown in the units tab,then you can add a particular unit by going to the option admin>admin categories>units of measure and there you can sepicfy the particular units you want to use.
Dieter Wambach
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If you need inches, these will be a material resource.
I’m afraid, a limit of 500 hrs a week as a maximum is not possible for levelling.

Dieter Wambach
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Hi Minhas

P3e knows 3 types of resources:
- labour
- non-labour i.e. machines, equipment,...
- material

Units %-complete is only calculated from labour and non-labour
Anoon Iimos
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It’s a matter of conversion using productivity rates. You can never have common unit for non-labor, so you have to convert it into hours or cost or whatever you want as long as it is common to all your tasks.