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Leveling resources: "Activities that cannot be leveled". Why

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Håkon Haukebøe
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Hi. I'm doing a feasability analysis for an early fase project. I'm trying to build different scenarios with respects to resources and time. I have around 100 activites. I've set Original Duration and Budgeted Labour units. When i use Shift+F9 i still get over-allocated resources. In the schedlog.txt - 4 activites are listed as "Activites that cannot be leveled". I see no reason why they cannot be leveled. Any clues?






Håkon Haukebøe
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Thank you guys. William, spot on! Rounding error led to marginal overallocation.





william chee
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make sure your budgeted units/time is lower or equal to max units/time.

One potential reason: if the number of assigned resources exceeds the number of available resources.

I cannot imagine other reasons without looking at your project. If you will delete confidential information (usually costs) and will upload xer file at some file exchange site we may look at it to find the source of your problem.