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Adding notes after last activity or end of schedule

10 replies [Last post]
Minhas Shaikh
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Hi planners,
In p3e can we add notes after last activities of schedule. Not in footer and bar chart area , only after last activity or end of schedule. Then notes will explain the whole schedule. e.g: "Schedule is based on a normal 5 days work week, 10 hours per day". Like that. I have to add atleast 9 notes for my schedule.



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Hi musawar,

I have never worked in P3e, but yaa definitely its possible to do it in P3. Options in P3 and P3e are different in this case.

In P3 it shows,

Activity Detail

Edit activity
DElete activity
Dissolve activity
Extract Activity

Format Selected Bars.

Minhas Shaikh
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Dear Raviraj,

Thanks for your reply.

In P3e I couldn’t found "Formate Selected Bar" . On right clich on bar it shows following options and I checked all options :
Actvities details
Bar chart options...,
time scale...


Minhas Shaikh
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Dear Arthur, Thanks for your reply. I wrote all my comments on bar chart area. Further, please don’t say sorry. Takecare Minhas
Arthur Godbeer
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Minhas, I’m sorry, I noticed that you said "not in footer", but not that you also said "not in . . . bar chart area".

I don’t think there is any way to add them at the bottom of the columns. It can of course be a column, but that would use up a column for all displayed activities.
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Dear Minhas,

To edit the current bar, right click on the bar and select "Format Selected Bar" and then "Modify Bar format".

This should solve your purpose.


Minhas Shaikh
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Dear Arthur,
Thank you for quick reply. I appreciate your quick reply.
The way you mentioned I went through and solved my problem. Again , still I am getting those notes in bar chart area not in at the bottom of activity column area.
I don’t think we can attach any notes at that area in p3e.

One more thing, I couldn’t found edit current bar .I used to edit current bar in suretrack, ms project but how can we edit in p3e. in p3e if we select the current bar it opens and edit all bars not a single bar.

If you know please let me know.

Arthur Godbeer
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Make sure that this Notebook Topic is ticked in the Admin Category/Notebook Topics menu as being only for Activity. (That’s not all that important, but it will mean that it won’t come up for selection if you add Notebook Topics at other levels.) Also that topic should only be added to the last activity, using the Notebook tab for that activity’s detail. You’ve probably done both those things already, or at least the second one.

Then go to the Bar dialog (View/Bar, or use the icon, or right-mouse click in the bar area), select the "current" bar and the Bar Labels tab, and add that Notebook Topic in the position you want it, most likely "right". It should then appear with the activity it has been assigned to, and you can size and shape it so that all of it is visible.
Minhas Shaikh
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Dear Arthur,

Thank you for helping me.Thanks for helping me. I have added notebook topic but how can I attach that text with current bar.

Can you please write attachment procedure.

Arthur Godbeer
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Or, add a Notebook Topic or UDF to the finish activity only, and then attsch it to the current bar. A Notebook Topic is potentially more sophisticated, because it’s a RTF field.
Arthur Godbeer
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Add a text attachment to that activity? In the bar-chart area, right-mouse click on the activity; Attachments/Text.