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How to sync Activity Dates & Resource dates

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Rama Krishnan
User offline. Last seen 7 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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Resource start & finish dates are not in line with activity start & finish dates.

I have a problem - when I extend activities resources assigned do not follow the activities.
I use a Non Labour resource. So by I have to default it to Non driving resource.

Is there a way to sync the resource dates & activity dates together. I prefer activity to drive the resource than the other way round for my application.

I also have a funny problem - When I drag the activity to change finish dates using mouse the resource assigned doe not follow. But instead I manually update the planned duration the resource follows & is in sync.

Anybody experiencing this problem?

All my activities are FixedDuration/Units setup. Resource assigned is one resource but non-labour. I have assigned a non -linear curve to the resource.



Rama Krishnan
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Wasantha, It works
Wasantha Nanayakkara
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Try to tick the ’’drive activity dates’’ in the resource tab.I think this will solve your problem.
