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Adding Resources through global change

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Zafar Manzoor
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Hi everybody,

I am a past profound user of this forum. Recently been migrated to P3e/c. I am facing the following problems.

Problem # 1.

In P3 3.1 we could easily add/assign resources to hundereds of activities by applying global change parameter "Resource, "AD", Resource ID.

If Activity Code = (certain code)
Then Resource AD Resrouce ID/name

In P5 there is no AD (abbriviation of ADD) parameter but only "=" parameter. If we use the following to add a resource to multiple activities passing certain filter criteria, it wouldn’t add anything if the activities have no prior resource assignments.

If a filter = (filter condition)
Then Resrouce = Resource ID/Name

But if the activities meeting this filter criteria have prior resource assignments then, the above global change would replace the resource to be added with existing ones!

Problem # 2;

Relationship lines on bar chart would join the baseline bars not the current project bars. It’s annoying as its confusing in visual comprehension of the layout.

Helpful comments from anybody are greatly appreciated.




Nigel Winkley
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The resource = " " and similar filters is useful for finding activities that have nothing against certain codes. the " " does not mean enter a ’space’, by the way, it means enter nothing.

Create a new filter and select, say, resource. The in the criteria select equals. In the value field do not enter anything. This will then select any activities that have nothing against the resources.

You can use this filter for similar selections, for finding activites that have not got a code for, say, Area. Or if you use duration, and the ’is not equal to’, and enter, say, 27 you will find all activities that are not 27 days/weeks long.

Very useful. Especially when coding a new project to find out what you have not coded yet.

Hope this clears things up a little.


Zafar Manzoor
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Thank you for your proposed solutions to both the problems. Both worked for me alright. I was not able to understand where would it be useful to create a filter with Resource = " ". But your solution of selecting multiple activities and then adding resource from Add Resource window worked out just fine.


Zafar Manzoor
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Julie mentioned this filter’s usefulness in her response to the Problem # 1 of my question, that was, how to add resources through global change.
Difficulty I faced was, if I wanted to add a certain resource to a number of activities matching a certain filter, by using global change utility in P3 e/c, it wouldn’t add the resource to those activities, if those activities didn’t have any prior resource assignments.
The Resource = " " is an important filter, no question about that, but how to used it in resolving that global change resouce adding problem.

Thanks for your response.



Julie Scully
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Hi Zafar

For your first problem, you should be able create a filter where [resource = “ ”]. You can leave the condition blank. You can also apply resources to multiple (hundreds) activities through the resource tab in the activity details. Select one activity then click the “add resource” button. Once the dialogue box appears you can select any other activities, by using the control key, and then double click the resource you want to assign.

For your second problem, this is due to the ‘hierarchy’ of the bars. If you go into the formatting area for the bars, you will find that the baseline bar is ‘above’ your current/remaining/actual bars. You will need to shift the baseline bar down below your other bars. Refer to bulletin # 2001323104541 on the Primavera knowledgebase.

