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Resource driven.

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Marcio Sampaio
User offline. Last seen 12 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Nov 2005
Posts: 658
Hello All

Can you help me in understanding the concept of resource driven which we had in P3 3.1, in P3e.

Thanks and regards.


Marcio Sampaio
User offline. Last seen 12 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Nov 2005
Posts: 658
See this response:

From Primavera:

P3 3.1
Driving resource means a resource that determines the duration of the
activity to which it is assigned. P3 automatically calculates the
activity duration based on the quantity to complete and the units per
timeperiod of the driving resource. P3 schedules independent and
meeting activities using the resource calendars of their driving
Defining a resource as driving or nondriving in the Resource Dictionary
only establishes its default status; you can change it for any specific

A resource that determines the duration of the activity to which it is
assigned. The Project Management module automatically calculates the
activity duration based on the quantity to complete and the units per
timeperiod of the driving resource.

Defining resources as driving, by marking the Drive Activity Dates by
Default checkbox for new resource assignments in the Projects window,
Project Details, Resources tab, only establishes its default status;
you can change it for any specific assignment.

If an activity has more than one driving resource, the resource that
takes the longest to complete determines the duration of the activity.


Marcio Eduardo