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P3E/C Website Creation Issues

8 replies [Last post]
Colin Adam
User offline. Last seen 15 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
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having problems with creration of a project website. The website publishes ok but only seems to create level 1 of the WBS. When accessing the website from my PC it works fine and would appear to access the C drive for the WBS info. When another person accesses the website from another PC they can only see the level 1 activity details.
I have modified the WBS layout to expand all levels.

Any ideas ?




Colin Adam
User offline. Last seen 15 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
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Yip - he was using version 5.0 on 2000 and I’m using version 6.0 on XP. Updraded his to version six and bobs yer uncle. Works fine.

Couldn’t find any info on this in the help file and Primavera help e-mail did not get back ...... surprisingly.

Cheers Dave

Heard you’ve got some Pe/c basic+advanced courses in 3days. Any dates in December ?

David Kelly
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Is it possible yopu are using version 5.0 of internet explorer? You cannot drill down the WBS unless you have v5.5 or above
Mario Sanvitale
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Makes no sense. We publish these things all the time, and never have any problems - suggest you ask tech support, or try to republish. If you get an answer I’d be interested to know what it is!

Sorry can’t help.
Colin Adam
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Copied the entire website folder contents onto the other users desktop and attempted to get him to open the index.htm file. It opens as before and all the website is displayed as well as activity layouts. The same story with the WBS though. He can only see level 1 and nothing below. I can access the website via my PC and see the lot. It sounds as though each time I click on a WBS level on the website my hard drive is clicking and it’s accessing the info straight from my PC.

Make sense ? thought not
Mario Sanvitale
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Hmmm - you could try copying the whole web site onto his local drive to see if he still has the same problem - at least that will isolate or verify the problem. There were some issues which I can’t remember with shared files but I thought they had all been sorted out?
Colin Adam
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Sorry P3 E/C version 4.0
Colin Adam
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He’s using the index.htm link which shortcuts to a network folder where I have published the file to.
Mario Sanvitale
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How is the person from the other PC accessing the website? Is he using index.html? All the website will be in the same directory on the target server, I believe, and no activity should happen at the client level. Also which version are you using?