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Resource Profile

15 replies [Last post]
Rashid Iqbal
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Hi all,

1. In P3, we could group different resources and could see a single histogram for them. I am trying the same in P3e/c but am unable to.

2. How to see the histogram for the filtered activties. I am getting the full histogram even when the layout is showing a part of work.

Rashid Iqbal


Dennis Hanks
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Reference post #11.  I think your suggestion works with the caveat that non-filtered resources may appear as overallocations, but if you see 'green' bars then you have your filtered resources, or so it appears.

In my case (P6 8.2), I wanted to see the Resource Usage for only the filtered activities (WBS code, but it could have been anything) to manually level.  Before using your hint, I would see resource usage for the entire project, not just the filtered activities.

It works best for me when only looking at "Budgeted" hours.  Using "Early" hours provided extraneous data.

It seems to be working, thanks.

James Bridges
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Thanks Rashid,

Problem solved.

Rashid Iqbal
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What i wanted to do was to produce a resource profile for only the filtered activties.

I first filterd out the activties and then in the Display option of profile i unchecked the ’Show All Projects’and this was what that solved my problem.

James Bridges
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Can you please explain how you solved this problem.

I have spoken to the primavera help desk and they informed me that this couldn’t be done.

Niek Zonneveld
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Good to hear Rashid!

With release 5.0 you will also be able to see the over-allocated part of the resource profile, as part of the filtered profile, even when the load is below the threshold as a result of that filter; you should see it, because it’s really neat!


Rashid Iqbal
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Thanks for the help as now i am able to get the profile for the filtered activties.

Rashid Iqbal
Niek Zonneveld
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There is no reason why the resource allocation profile should not work in combination with filters. In fact, the intersection between activities and resources (i.e. assignments) should be sliced from both angles and not just resources.

It does work properly if you deselect "Show Overallocation" and stick to "Remaining Early". It should however also work with over-allocations and Primavera is currently investigating that problem.

I’ll keep you posted.

Kevin Button
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You will not get histograms in the Resource Usage Profile based on filtered activities because this profile does not do that. Some alternatives are using Activity Usage Profile, Resource Assignment view (and copying usage spreadsheet data to Excel for graphing) or you could write a report and output to a text file then import this into Excel for graphing.

However, if you do manage to find a way to get what you are after I think a lot of people would be interested.



Rashid Iqbal
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Thanks, i would certainly do that.

Niek Zonneveld
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I’ll be happy to take a look Rashid but I would also recommend you to call the Primavera help desk. They may have a simple solution for what we are both overlooking.


Rashid Iqbal
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Thanks again

I am in the process of leveling the project manually. In P3, my rotuine for such task was to first filter say excavation activties and then by seeing peaks in histogram i did adjustment to start dates.

I have tried all the options of ’open projects’, closed project etc but still not getting the histogram for the filtered activties.

Neik i’ll be sending you a private message to get your email address and would mail you an xer as i am unable to solve the issue. I would really appreiciate if you could sequeeze sometime to solve this problem.

Niek Zonneveld
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It took me a while to figure this one out, and I hope I’ll be able to explain the problem.

If you go to the Resource Usage Profile, it will show "Open Projects Only". This is the "Resource Analysis" setting under "User Preferences" and not necessarily meaning that you have selected to view the open projects only. (Yes, I agree, this is very confusing.)

If you click on "Open Projects Only" it will probably show that "Show All Projects" is still active. Deselect this option and you will get what you want.


Kevin Button
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Instead of viewing the Resource Usage Profile, can you see what you want using the Activity Usage Profile? This will show a histogram (or curves) based on the filtered activities regardless of the resources used.


Rashid Iqbal
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Thanks for getting back.

I have the option "open projects" marked and i ran a filter which brings out no activity. Even in this case when Gantt chart have not even a single activtiy, the resource histogram is showing the remaining quantites of resources.

Please advise.

Niek Zonneveld
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The thing you want to take a look at is "stacked histogram" because that will allow to group resources and display them in one histogram.

If you want see histograms of the filtered activities only you should select "open projects only".

Hope this helps,
