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Copy and paste

8 replies [Last post]
katerina Pasakopo...
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How can i copy all activities of a project in Miscrosoft Project to Primavera Construction and engineering??
I tried to import the project (MsProject) to Primavera but i didn’t have any result...

thanks in advance..


Niek Zonneveld
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Hi Bill,

I’ve tried to find previous discussions on the subject but haven’t come across any.

Furthermore the MSP import capability is dramatically improved since 4.x so a ’new’ discussion won’t hurt I believe.

I use the MSP import feature on a daily basis and in my opinion there is no reason use Excel as an intermediate program. As soon as you understand where things can go wrong (summary task assignments, summary task relations, duplicate ID’s, etc.) and correct these errors before the import, it works flawlessly. A set of simple filters in MSP can be used to check for these errors.


Bill Guthrie
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please refer to old threads on the site, this subject has been battered about for the last year that i know of and lots of data on pp site.

suggest you export to excel, then import into p3 as a dbf file.
cheers bill
Niek Zonneveld
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Hi Katerina,

There are a few things you should check before you can successfully import MSP2003 schedules. If P3e hits an error it can’t resolve it terminates the import process without telling you; However if you go to the error log you can find the reason why.

The most common problem is duplicate resource names in MSP2003. During import into P3e you can select (in the template) if you want the MSP resource name or the initials as the unique identifier in P3e. MSP creates initials by just using the first character of the resource name, so Katerina and Kate will both be "k" in MPS. When you import this MSP schedule in P3e it will hit the "k" twice and terminate the import. What you need to do to resolve this is manually create unique resource ID’s (i.e. initials) in MSP before you import.

Hope this helps,

Joao Ribeiro
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P3e/c should do it, possibly with some errors. Check the impor template in P3e/c and also close MS Project before starting to import. Hope it does the trick.
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Dont wait your Project manager chasing U....Cheers
katerina Pasakopo...
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dear planners..

Unfortunately i have MsProject 2003..
also i tried to transfer the activities from excel to PM.what is your opinion for this??

thanks anyway...
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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dear katerina,
may i know which version MS Porject u use? As Far I know only MSP 98 *.mpx can transfer your activities to p3 included with link, other wise U have to make a P3 template in *.Wk1 and Export the data from MSP in *WK1 ...then copy and paste from MSP *.WK1 to P3 *.WK1.
Only style I know...Maybe u can try first or wait others expert opinion.
Nazim Shaikh
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you should have microsoft project 98 to do this export & import to p3 any higher version then this of microsoft dont have this facility. Bye