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Convert from P3 TO P6

3 replies [Last post]
Andrew Fam
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Dear all,

Can anybody reply back against my query ? I just want to convert my programme from Primavera P3 to P6

Is it posible ?



Zoltan Palffy
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Javier that is because p3 has never been installed on that machine.

see detailed instructions and the converter files at the link below 

Javier Loma
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Dear Zoltan, 

I personally cannot convert my P3 files into P6.

In my case, I don't have P3 installed on my machine. I've tried to execute P330XERConvert.exe with no success.

May you explain further?


Thank you in advance

Zoltan Palffy
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you have two options

option #1 import a p3 file into p6 

option #2 use the converter program to convert p3 files to p6 files

if you are using a 64 byte operating system then it gets a little more difficult 

see detailed instructions and the converter files at the link below