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Converter from MPP to MPX

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Raja Natarajan
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I would like to get a converter that converts MPP files to MPX. Then, I can convert the MPX to P3 using Primavera. Can anyone send me the converter ? Thanks for your help. My email address is


Zoltan Palffy
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not sure with in MSP

This has happened between an MPX and P3

make sure that all of the activities are NOT resource dependent TYPE. 

make sure that the constraint type is As Soon As Possible



Edgar Payos
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Hi PP,

I have a query.

I am not sure if this issue has been asked before and satisfactorily replied by members of PP.

Have you ever encountered an issue where all the activity bars turned (red) critical after converting it from mpp to mpx?

Seldom use MPP but I have basic knowledge of how it works.

Minor issues I came across with previously I managed to fix them.

This, one, however, is my first time to experience this kind of issue and I can't resolve it.

For those who have dealt with this problem, are you able to solve it?

Kindly share how ...?


Thanks in advance.



Raja Natarajan
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Dear all,

Thanks for your help. I’ve managed to get the converter.

Marcio Sampaio
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Hello Raja;

I think that Primavera has a MPP to MPX conversion utility available on their web site ( But u you may have MSP 2000/2002 loaded.


Marcio Eduardo
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