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Converting from p3 to msp

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X Planner
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Hannes de Bruyne
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Right !

A lot of Software have ActiveX-elements, which are the basics for those makros. Sometimes they are even hidden or at least don’t have any documentation.
With these ActiveX-elements you can link almost everything, either with Visual Basic to create *.exe files or with Visual Basic for Applications, which is inside MS-Programms.
Using Excel is the most easiest way, as you can store and manipulate data. System like these (DDE, OLE etc.) are available in operating systems since DOS but only used by a small group of users. Most people think its difficult to use, but as soon as you have started, you find it quit easy and find new things every day. You find a lot of support in the internet.

Here is a very simple makro for P3. You need an Excel-File with the sheets "P3-Resources" and "Success". Start Extras->Macros->Visual Basic Editor and copy this text inside. Now you have a macro called Primavera. It opens a P3-file and writes a few Data into Excel. For the rest also see the Ra.hlp - file.

Dim session As Object
Dim proj As Object
Dim act As Object
Dim res_id As Object
Dim succes As Object
Dim bret As Boolean
Dim username, password, projectname As String
Dim xRow, ActNos As Integer
Dim sheet As Workbooks

Sub Primavera()
Set session = CreateObject("P3Session")
username = Application.InputBox("Please enter Username:", "login", "debruyne")
password = ""
bret = session.Login(username, password, True)

Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(1, 1).Value = "ActivityID"
Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(1, 2).Value = "Description"
Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(1, 3).Value = "Resource"
Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(1, 4).Value = "BudgetedCost"
Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(1, 5).Value = "BudgetedQuantity"
projectname = Application.InputBox("Please enter ProjectName:", "project", "li01")
Set proj = session.openproject(projectname, 0, 99)
xRow = 2
ActNos = 1
For Each act In proj.activities
Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(xRow, 1).Value = act.ActivityID
Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(xRow, 2).Value = act.Description
For Each res_id In act.ResourceAssignments
Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(xRow, 3).Value = res_id.ResourceName
Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(xRow, 4).Value = res_id.BudgetedCost
Worksheets("P3-Resources").Cells(xRow, 5).Value = res_id.BudgetedQuantity
xRow = xRow + 1
ActNos = nos + 1
Application.StatusBar = ("Activity: " & xRow)

Worksheets("Success").Cells(1, 1).Value = "ActivityID"
Worksheets("Success").Cells(1, 2).Value = "Description"
Worksheets("Success").Cells(1, 3).Value = "Driving"
Worksheets("Success").Cells(1, 4).Value = "Successor"
Worksheets("Success").Cells(1, 5).Value = "Lag"
Worksheets("Success").Cells(1, 6).Value = "Type"
xRow = 2
ActNos = 1
For Each act In proj.activities
Worksheets("Success").Cells(xRow, 1).Value = act.ActivityID
Worksheets("Success").Cells(xRow, 2).Value = act.Description

For Each succes In act.Successors
Worksheets("Success").Cells(xRow, 3).Value = succes.IsDriving
           Worksheets("Success").Cells(xRow, 4).Value = succes.SuccessorActivityId
Worksheets("Success").Cells(xRow, 5).Value = succes.RelationShipLag
Worksheets("Success").Cells(xRow, 6).Value = succes.RelationShipType

xRow = xRow + 1
ActNos = nos + 1
Application.StatusBar = ("Activity: " & xRow)

session.closeproject proj
End Sub

Hannes de Bruyne
Gün Göksu
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I understand from this tread that Ra is basically used to enable macros (excel for example) to directly modify P3 data tables. is this true?

something like an API???

thus Activity.xls is using this Ra?
(looks like I need to reread the manuals).

but It seems obvious to me that there is a lot more to it than found in the manuals (in the CD). people keep poping up with new code like from nowhere.

What is the background of research to accumulate to spurt this kind of stuff?

Hannes de Bruyne
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Hello Sean,

MSP and P3 actualy work with the same system, both can have calendars and have a main calendar. In my complete programm, I also developed a system to transfer these calenders and the calendar-ID.
The reason why I did not build in this transfer yet, is that I hoped to get some new ideas in this forum.

Hannes de Bruyne
Sean Magee
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Be very careful when transfering data from P3 to MSP and Vica Versa the MSP does not handle this tranfer very well.
You query focuses on how codes tranfers when equally important is the fact that calendar related data does not transfer accurately.
Any activity with a lag on will use the standard (project calendar) in MSP to reschedule your data.
This may be O.K if your original P3 project has a five day calendar as standard however if you have multiple calendars in P3 say a mix of five day working calendars and 7 day working then MSP will default to using the five day calendar to calculate lags. MSP is not able to handle the transfer too well. The best thing is to leave things as they are as P3 is a far superior planning package.
But if you feel you must go down this route then look further than coding as other data may not be the same.
Jose Frade
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Thanks for the idea.
Obviously it needs some knowledge about macros.

What is good in it is the opening of the complete field you showed.

Best regards
Wadgassen - Germany.

X Planner
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thank u very much for ur help,
i tried another way and it kinda worked with me
i used the preimavera enterprise v3.5 to convert, and it was done.

sorry, i’m not as good as u working with the macros ,so i had no comment.

thanks again


Hannes de Bruyne
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(Ok, this is converting from MSProject to P3 - I think this is the more important direction - but it shows how to do it. I also created a macro the other way around. If you are interested let me know)

I wonder, no reactions on my macro – it was read, but no answers. Although the idea is very good, maybe it does not work on other computers or people are not so familiar with macros as I thought they are. Maybe the whole thing needs a little more explanation:

What you need is:

•     P3 together with Ra – as Ra is installed with P3 this should be no question.
•     A P3 – File, that can be overwritten (Call it something like MS00)
•     Microsoft Project or at least the file MSPRJ.OLB in the directory c:\programms\microsoft office\office 10
•     A MS_project file with activities, resources and everything (Call it something like Test.mpp)
•     Excel
•     An Excel file (Call it translate.xls). This file should have the sheets: Activity, Resource, WBS-Dictionary, Activity-Code, Filters, CDI and Calendar. (some of them are not used yet, but are for future extension)
•     A macro. Mark the macro text from the example and copy it (CTRL+C). In the excel file go to the menu Extras -> Macro -> Macros. The Macro-name should be “fromProjectToP3”. You’r in the Visual Basic editor now and should read something like :

Sub FromProjectToP3()
End Sub

This text must be marked, as it must be overwritten. Paste the text you have copied (see 8 lines before). (CTRL+P). Take care, it has overwritten the 2 lines. Now you have a macro, but it does not work yet. The file MSPRJ.OLB, which is the MS-Project equivalent to Ra is still missing. As you are still in the Visual Basic editor go to the Menu Extras -> Reference (I think this line is called reference, but as I use a German version I’m not quit sure – at least it is the first line). Now search for “Microsoft Project 10.0 Object Library” and mark this line. Now the whole thing should work. Leave Microsoft Visual Basic by clicking the Excel Icon (Top Left in the menu-line of this window) .
You can start the macro now Extras->Macro->Macros->fromMStoP3->run (or is it execute?).
Select a MSProject-File and you will see it fills the Excel-sheet. The second part asks far username and –file for P3 and writes into P3.

One small error is in the macro ’Call ReadMSPjroject should NOT have this mark before Call. I used it for testing.

The part with the links is not yet in the macro, it will come next week.

I could have written this macro in MS-Visual Basic, make an *.exe file out of it and sell it, but I don’t like the Idea. I rather make it an open-source code, and add the improvements, reaction and proposals to it. So do ask questions, write me if errors occur,

Furthermore I think Ra with Excel-Macros can solve a lot of other problems with Primavera e.g. P3 is not restricted to just one WBS-Code-Structure. Or you can link P3 and AutoCad! Many of the questions I read in this forum can be so easily solved with small macros. A forum is not just for questions and answers it also needs new ideas.

I hope this is a first step for many people in the macro- world

Hannes de Bruyne
Hannes de Bruyne
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I think, the MPX is a very poor tool! The nicest way to convert is with help of RA!
Just write a small macro in Excel to read from MS-Project and to write into P3. If you are interested I can help you with the first steps. I don’t want to send the whole macro, as I would like to see if new ideas arrise, but I’m pleased to help with basics and support in this forum.

You will need an Excel-File with a sheet called "Activity" for this:

Option Explicit

Dim MSProj, ProjAppl As Object
Dim A As Assignment

Dim strName, TaskName, TaskSuccessor, Title As String
Dim n As Long
Dim bRet, Down, DoOff, FrOff, SaOff, SoOff As Boolean
Dim iColumn, iEmpty As Integer
Dim Cal As Calendar
Dim Fil As Filter
Dim myRange As Range

’Primavera P3
Dim Pos1, Pos2, Pos3, Pos4 As Long
Dim UserName, Password, ProjectName, SuccHelp, WBSstring, fname As String
Dim iRow, i, j, l, temp, WBS(7), LastLevel As Integer
Dim Session, P3Proj, Act, Log, Succ, Res, P3Cal, P3GloCal, ProjAbstr, ResAssign As Object
Dim HoDay, Level, ResLimit, ACodes, CodeVal, CDI, P3Filter As Object

Sub fromMStoP3()
’Call ReadMSPjroject
Call WriteP3
End Sub

Function ReadMSPjroject()
Set MSProj = CreateObject("MSProject.Project")
Set ProjAppl = MSProj.Application

Title = "Please Select Microsoft Project File"
fname = Application.GetOpenFilename("Microsoft Project Files (*.mpp), *.mpp", , Title)

ProjAppl.FileOpen fname, ReadOnly:=False, FormatID:="MSProject.MPP"
strName = ProjAppl.ActiveProject.Name
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True

’****************************** ACTIVITIES ***************************************

Cells(1, 16) = "ProjStart:"
Cells(1, 17) = ActiveProject.ProjectStart
Cells(1, 18) = "ProjFinish:"
Cells(1, 19) = ActiveProject.ProjectFinish
Cells(1, 20) = "StatusDate:"
Cells(1, 21) = ActiveProject.StatusDate
Cells(1, 22) = "Version:"
Cells(1, 23) = ActiveProject.VersionName
Cells(1, 24) = "Digits:"
Cells(1, 25) = ActiveProject.CurrencyDigits
Cells(1, 26) = "StartWeekOn:"
Cells(1, 27) = ActiveProject.StartWeekOn

Cells(1, 1) = "Activity"
Cells(1, 6) = "Headers"
Cells(1, 11) = "Constraints"
Cells(1, 13) = "Actual"

Cells(2, 1) = "ID"
Cells(2, 2) = "NAME"
Cells(2, 3) = "OD"
Cells(2, 4) = "Successors"
Cells(2, 5) = "Milestone"
Cells(2, 6) = "Summary"
Cells(2, 7) = "Number"
Cells(2, 8) = "Level"
Cells(2, 9) = "PSP"
Cells(2, 10) = "Note"
Cells(2, 11) = "Date"
Cells(2, 12) = "Type"
Cells(2, 13) = "Actual Start"
Cells(2, 14) = "Actual Finish"
Cells(2, 15) = "Percent Compl."
Cells(2, 16) = "Calendar"
Cells(2, 17) = "Text1"
Cells(2, 21) = "Resources"

For i = 1 To ActiveProject.Tasks.Count
Application.StatusBar = "Reading activity " & i & " of " & ActiveProject.Tasks.Count
If Not ActiveProject.Tasks(i) Is Nothing Then

Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 1) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).ID
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 2) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).Name
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 3) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).Duration / (ActiveProject.HoursPerDay * 60)
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 4) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).Successors
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 5) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).Milestone
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 6) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).Summary

Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 10) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).Notes
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 11) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).ConstraintDate
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 12) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).ConstraintType
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 13) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).ActualStart
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 14) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).ActualFinish
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 15) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).PercentComplete
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 16) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).Calendar
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 17) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).Text1
Cells(i + 2 - iEmpty, 18) = ActiveProject.Tasks(i).Text2

iEmpty = iEmpty + 1
End If
Next i
Exit Function

’MsgBox MSG_NOFILEOPEN, vbExclamation + R_TO_L, Title:=Application.Name
End ’Makro beenden.

End Function

Function WriteP3()
Set Session = CreateObject("P3Session")
UserName = Application.InputBox("Please enter Username:", "P3-Login", "debruyne")
Password = ""
bRet = Session.Login(UserName, Password, True)
ProjectName = Application.InputBox("Please enter ProjectName:", "P3-Project", "ms00")
Set P3Proj = Session.Openproject(ProjectName, 0, 99)

Application.DisplayStatusBar = True

Application.StatusBar = "Deleting Activities..."
For i = 1 To P3Proj.Activities.Count
bRet = P3Proj.Activities.Remove(P3Proj.Activities.Item(P3Proj.Activities.newcursor().getfirst().ActivityID))

Application.StatusBar = "Deleting Resources..."
For i = 1 To P3Proj.resources.Count
bRet = P3Proj.resources.Remove(P3Proj.resources.Item(1))

Application.StatusBar = "Deleting Calendars..."
For i = 1 To P3Proj.GlobalCalendar.Holidays.Count
bRet = P3Proj.GlobalCalendar.Holidays.Remove(P3Proj.GlobalCalendar.Holidays.Item(1))
Next i

For i = 1 To P3Proj.Calendars.Item(1).Holidays.Count
bRet = P3Proj.Calendars.Item(1).Holidays.Remove(P3Proj.Calendars.Item(1).Holidays.Item(1))
Next i

For i = 1 To P3Proj.Calendars.Count - 1
bRet = P3Proj.Calendars.Remove(P3Proj.Calendars.Item(2))

’******************************** ACTIVITIES ***************************

iRow = 3

Do While Cells(iRow, 1) <> ""

Application.StatusBar = "Adding activity " & Cells(iRow, 1)

Set Act = P3Proj.Activities.Newitem() ’Prepare for new activity’s data
Act.ActivityID = CStr(Cells(iRow, 1)) ’Set ID to worksheet value
Act.Description = Left(Cells(iRow, 2).Text, 48) ’Set Title to worksheet value
Act.OriginalDuration = Cells(iRow, 3) ’Set OD to worksheet value
If Cells(iRow, 5) = True Then
Act.ActivityType = 3 ’Start Milesone
If Cells(iRow, 12) = 6 Then Act.ActivityType = 4 ’finish Milestone
End If
If Cells(iRow, 6).Text = True Then Act.ActivityType = 6

If Cells(iRow, 12) > 0 Then
temp = Cells(iRow, 12)
Select Case temp
Case 1
Act.FloatConstraintType = 9
Case 2
Act.MandatoryConstraintType = 5
Act.MandatoryConstraintDate = CDate(Cells(iRow, 11))
Case 3
Act.MandatoryConstraintType = 6
Act.MandatoryConstraintDate = CDate(Cells(iRow, 11))
Case 4
Act.EarlyConstraintType = 1
Act.EarlyConstraintDate = CDate(Cells(iRow, 11))
Case 6
Act.EarlyConstraintType = 2
Act.EarlyConstraintDate = CDate(Cells(iRow, 11))
End Select
End If
If IsDate(Cells(iRow, 13)) Then Act.ActualStart = CDate(Cells(iRow, 13))

If IsDate(Cells(iRow, 14)) Then Act.ActualFinish = CDate(Cells(iRow, 14))

If Cells(iRow, 15) > 0 Then
Act.PercentComplete = Cells(iRow, 15).Text ’Set AF to worksheet value
’act.RemainingDuration = act.OriginalDuration - act.PercentComplete * act.OriginalDuration
End If

bRet = P3Proj.Activities.Add(Act) ’Add the new activity info to the database

’*************************** ACTIVITY.LOGS ******************************

iColumn = 10
If Cells(iRow, iColumn).Text <> "" Then
l = Len(Cells(iRow, iColumn).Text)
Pos1 = 1
i = 1

Do While Pos1 < l + 1 And Pos1 <> 0
Pos2 = InStr(Pos1 + 1, Cells(iRow, iColumn).Text, Chr(13))
Set Log = Act.ActivityLogs.Newitem()
Log.SequenceNumber = i
If Pos2 = 0 Then
Pos2 = l + 1
End If
Log.Text = Left(Mid(Cells(iRow, iColumn).Text, Pos1 + IIf(Pos1 = 1, 0, 1), Pos2 - Pos1 + IIf(Pos1 = 1, 0, -1)), 48)

bRet = Act.ActivityLogs.Add(Log)
i = i + 1
Pos1 = InStr(Pos1 + 1, Cells(iRow, iColumn).Text, Chr(13))
End If
Pos1 = 1
iRow = iRow + 1

P3Proj.SchedulingOptions.ListConstraints = True
P3Proj.SchedulingOptions.ListOpenEnds = True
P3Proj.SchedulingOptions.ListOutOfSequenceProgress = True

’P3Proj.SchedulingOptions.UseProgressOverride = False
Call P3Proj.ExecuteSchedule

Session.closeproject P3Proj
End Function

Hannes de Bruyne
Jaco Stadler
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Good Morning Planner Planner

I am glad I could help. Where are you. What is the time their. Can’t be in New York. Posted at New York Time 4 am. As per my Calc.

X Planner
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YEssss, Jaco

It worked, my problem was that i converted through p3e so it generated mpp file and the text fields was empty, but when i converted it through p3 which produced mpx file i found all the codes in the text Fields,

now it will be much easier for me

thanx alot Jaco and all other contributers.
Jaco Stadler
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You do realise this generated autamtically in MS when you MPX Convert it. You dont have to do it manualy.
Text10 = Old Act ID


X Planner
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Jaco ,
if u r talking about the custom text fields in msp then No
it has nothing to do with p3 codes

but u might insert the same codes used in p3 in these custom fields and re-assign them to the activities which i donot want to go through.

i appreciate ur help
Jaco Stadler
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Insert the Text Field Column in MS Project. (In These you should see the (Old Code) Not Code Descriptions.

Then you need to sort these by the (Codes) Copy & Paste the Description Over the Code (Or in Next Text Field)

Then You Sort as I have explained.

I Hope this helps

X Planner
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and everything was converted successfuly except the id and the breakdown or the codes of course

i just got a plain and unorganized list of activities.
Jaco Stadler
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I must ask you something

Have you converted the p 3 file to MPX ?

Once you have opened the MPX file in MS did you look what is in the text fields ?.


X Planner
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u said "Go Project - Group By - More Groups - New - Field Name Select - Text 1 (Your P3 Codes go into MS project text Fields)"

Please Explain "your p3 codes go into..."
u can not change the text name to the p3 codes unless it is included in the dropdown menu of the msp’s Field name

my p3 codes:

1- Area
2- Building
3- Location
4- Level
5- Part

an example will be fine...
Zhang Haixiang
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I have the experience of converting MPP to P3.

save the MPP as MDB file,then select the data and save as dbf,make sure the field length is same as in P3

then import into p3,you may do this several times to import all the data you want.

I have not tried P3 to MPP, I think it can be done by import/export

if you are to do this once a week or more often. You’d better write some code to do it.
Project support VBA, so you can write some code in Project and using RA to read P3 data directly into Project
Jaco Stadler
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Good Day

Try This.

Use MPX Conversion (P3 to MPX)

Open up in MP

Go Project - Group By - More Groups - New - Field Name Select - Text 1 (Your P3 Codes go into MS project text Fields)

Once you have Organised Changed the Code to your P3 Code Description (Type & Copy Works)

Now you should have the same Layout as in P3.

But as to the Data I dont Know what got Lost

X Planner
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i tried something thought that it might convert p3 codes to wbs in msp which was the p3e for construction but there was no luck...
i got the same unorganized list of activities without any structure..
X Planner
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i agree with all of u guys ,but as hedge said some times the clint is very strong that will force u to do it his way even if it is the wrong way,
of course i wouldnot want to convert 7k p3 project to msp but i have to and there is no any other way....

so lets talk about it...
Raj Maurya
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MSP generates automatic WBS that almost of no use. And there is no code structure in MSP but if you want to group or organise the activites you have to create custom fields but only for limited use.
Bill Guthrie
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Please advise what you are drinking. Why in the world would anyone want to transfer a P3 schedule into MP Projects? MS Projects (Mighty sorry program) is not even a scheduling tool, but can really list activities. for a 7k activity schedule, you are inviting disaster to go to msp. MSP is just not up to it. So recommend you reconsider, and to answer your question, you will have a huge amount of work to regain the structure, as there is no program that will convert perfectly,that I am aware of. Good luck, Bill