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2 replies [Last post]
Patrick Osakwe
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Hi all,

I have just imported a programme into P6 but the Budget total Cost is different from the one that i imported it from. I have just checked it on the P6 of the chap that sent it to me and the figure is higher than what i have in my p6.

Can any help please? I suspect its a settinng issue.




Zoltan Palffy
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sometimes when converting p3 to p6 the budget units will be multiplied by a factor of 8

run a global change 

where budget units is greater than 8 

then budget units equals budget units / 8

sumita roychaudhury
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I have to insert one field(user defined-text) which is present in the Activity layout .The same filed needs to be updated in the Resource assignment Layout, considering that Activity ID is the common filed.

Now, whenever I am trying to import excel file after i have updated user_text field with new set of data by using vlookup formula in the user text field & then pasting the value in user_text field to my resource assignment layout I get this error :

"Your system is out of memory. Please close other running applications and try this operation again."

Please help to to sort out this error. I export the template using Activity & Resource assignment & the same template is being imported after updating the resource assignment sheet(TASKRSRC) from activity sheet(TASK).

