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Three queries :- Level 4 programme.

7 replies [Last post]
vinod raturi
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Hi Everybody ,

I am stuck up with a problem , and hope to find answers in this forum.

Background :- I have been asked to prepare level 4 execution programme for shutdown of a refinery , It should not have early start or early finsh dates , but only in terms of days such as D1, D2 etc and i have to provide allocated manhours against the activities.

I have absolutely no idea how i can avoid start and finsh dates in the coloumns and how i can show budgeted quantities against activites in a seperate coloumn.

Also i want your help in evaluating my understanding of level 4 programme.

01 :- Main refinery ( Name )

01.01 :- Units in refinery.

01.01.01 :- Different equipments in each units :- Individual activities to be performed in each equipment.

Your help is urgently required and thanks in advance for the same.



Tony Scott
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Yes, I’ve used ordinal dates many times, and I believe that this is what is required. However, from the original posting, it alos sounds to me like he needs to hide the date columns.

Dieter Wambach
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For me it seems to be a misunderstanding. Dates are shown in the different levels.
Ordinal dates, i.e. you’ll start with a fictive date, mostly start of project/contract coming into effect which is zero. Then you’ll count years, months, weeks, or days depending on project on the time axis. That’s part of an offer because you never know the contract effective date.
For a ongoing project you’ll show real dates.
From a big American company just recently I saw a "schedule" which reminded more of a painting of Mirò than a schedule, very colourful in Excel with just some months and a final date for an equipment for some million US$. We are not responsible for this project, otherwise we would have refused of course. The PM accepted.
Dates must be shown.
Tony Scott
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The "Levels" question is a tricky one, but depends in part upon which part of the value chain you are in. An owner’s Level III schedule activity could be a Level I schedule for a contractor.

As for the dates, it sounds to me like they want you to not show the date columns - i.e. likely just show the activity description and the gantt bars. Can be nice pictorially, particularly for showing logic, but not terribly useful for anyone actaully performing the work!

Sreejith Nair
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I agree to what Dieter told.
Definition of ’Levels’ are still a mystery !
Different companies have different systems.
Some ppl say , if the top level activity has 3 childs, then it is a level-03 programme and it it has 4 childs , then it is a Level04 programme !
But this turns meaningless, when some of the titles has got more child activities and some hasn’t !

Our practice is as follows (Many of our clients , who are Oil & Gas production majors , follow the system detailed below:)
Level-01 : Tender Programme
Level-02 : Contract Programme (On which both parties sign on award of contract)
Level-03 : Detailed plan for execution (An extension to Level-03) - End product of Planning phase
Level-04 :Extension of Level-03 , Modified Level-03 plan incorporating changes(After the ’Planning Phase’ is finished)
what ever done after Level-03 is Level-04 , further changes are recorded as ’Revisions’ : Level-04 R01, Level-04 R02 ..etc

Since progress trackers are made as per latest plans , it will be based on Level-03 first and then Modified as per Level-04 as and when required.

I am quite happy with this system !
Dieter Wambach
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Sorry, for the ordinal days I have no idea.
Budgeted Qty: Move mouse into the table area --> right button --> columns --> select the column right of you planned new column --> "+" --> triangle down --> select "budgeted qty". (I know, that some old P3 users will blame me for the right mouse button, because they would use the icon. But I prefer the mouse-access in P3 as well and it’s easier.)
vinod raturi
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Thanks Dieter ,

For your speedy reply. I will have a look at the site you mentioned for Level’ s definition.

But is it possible that i can show ordinal days in table area. By the way i am using P3.1

Also let me know how i can show budgeted quantities in table coloumn.


with regards,
Dieter Wambach
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You didn’t mention which software you use, since this is for a refinery and posted under P3 I assume P3 (or P5/P6). I try to give a general answer:
1. The different levels of schedule: In general, if you ask three persons, you’ll get four different answers at least. As follows you’ll find an excellent paper: "Standards for the Levels of a Programme or Schedule" Basically all existing definitions are related to this paper. You’ll better define the scope of level4 with your management.
2. Not show early dates: In most of the software you can switch between calendar and ordinal dates. Just move the mouse into the area with the bars --> right mouse button --> timescale --> Select ordinary dates. Then just remove the column with dates in the table area.
Good luck!