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logic trace

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Tom Kavanaugh
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Has anyone tried creating a routine in SDK that performs a logic trace and uses a user defined field to provide something to filter on to view in gantt or spreadsheet views? The built in logic trace option does not provide this ability.


Ronald Winter
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Longest Path Software (by Ron Winter Consulting LLC) does something like that. It computes a Longest Path Value for every activity in the schedule and then inserts this number as a user-defined field in P3 and P5. It also creates a second field that contains the logical sequence number that the activity occupied in the CPM computations on the forward pass.

Longest Path Value groups activities into their natural ‘chains’ of 2nd longest path, 3rd longest path, ext. Logical Sequence Number further sorts activities into their logic order, despite such things as out-of-sequence progress. Together, this software package organizes and lets you display complicated, out-of-sequence schedules in a neat and orderly fashion so that the scheduler can focus on the ‘bigger picture.’

You can see more about this package on the web at Thanks for asking.