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Resources Usage

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Abhijeet Ranadhir
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How can I look at the resource usage in P5? What I want to do is assign required resources to the activities. Then look at my available resources and figure out where do I need more then what I have?


Brennan Westworth
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Here is agood way to display resource limits for labour:

Suppose you have a workforce of 100 (because I hate maths)
If your standard work day is ten hours then your normal limit would be 100 but if your site agreement allows you to work extended hours, say up to 12 hours per day, then your max usage would be 120.

This way you can show where you need to either work extended hours, find additional resources or use up some float to smooth the work.
mimoune djouallah
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as you posted in Primavera Project Planner; i suppose you meant P3 not P5, otherwise try to post in primavera entreprise.

- first go to data, ressources and fill all the necessary ressources for your project; be sure to fill the two fields normal and Max usage. for example if you have only 10 trucks and the maximum u can hire is 15 ( i suppose your working unit is par day) then you fill Normal as 10 and max as 15

- then assign the ressources to your activity and all the required steps to make a schedule.

- then View ressources tables you will see the ressources usage and the overallocuated ressources in red.

- or if you want a graphical presentation go to view ressources profil , display and check draw limits and Emphasize overload with with color.

anyway you have to see the manuel for more details.
