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Deleting predeccesor/successor using global change

3 replies [Last post]
Tiverp Ottelag
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Hi to all, anyone can give an advise how to delete all predecessor link using global change in one time. Actually i have 5000 activities to unlink due to mis link activity. Actually iam not the who started this schedule.

Please advise


Sukumaran Subaram...
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Great Man,

The Option 1 is really working.

Tiverp Ottelag
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Thanks paul
Paul Harris
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Dear Previt Gallet

I am fairly certain that Global Change may not be used to delete relationships.

There are some other options:

1. To delete all relationships. Delete the ????REL.P3 file. Create a blank project and find the new ????REL.P3 file. Rename it with the same name as your original project and put it in the same directory as your original project. This will provide your original project with a file without any relationships.
2. Use Batch. Batch the file out, find the relationships in the text file and Batch the file back in. You will need to read up on the manual to use Batch, a little tricky if you have done any programming. This is also useful for fixing up corrupt files.
3. Export the relationships out to a *.WK1 or *.DBF, delete the required relationships and Import. I am not too sure if this deletes relationships, if it does not the use step 1 and then import the relationship file after deleting the ones not required.

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Planning and Scheduling Book Publishers, Training & Consulting