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Ali Hamouda
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I need to collect different Ideas about this Issue:

Say we are in the Middle of a Project and for some reason the Project Scope has been changed by the Owner,and according to that we have to make another Baseline or Target Project..because we add or change some activities in the schedule.

The Question is:

1-Do we need to remove the %progress that we put in the
ongoing project ..and then add the necessary activities
for the new base line?

2-Or shall we build the new baseline from the last point of
the updated schedule..I mean we will leave every thing as
is and just we will add the new activities.

3-Or it is the same whether we use method 1 or will
lead to the same 2nd Baseline

I need some Invistgation from my brothers the Planners.To fix our understanding to this Important Point



Zq qz
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For me I’ll use the current schedule in doing the new base line or using the option in your question item#2 with the ff criteria:
1. It does not affect milestone completion. (unless otherwise allowed contractually by change order).
2. It will not interfere in the operation of other contracts with in the projects.

My point here is to reflect what is really happening at site.
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On the comparison, depend on what purpose.
If for progress monitoring, then compare the latest updated with the 2nd baseline.
If for claim raising, comparison will be between 2 baselines.
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To my point of view, built the 2nd baseline is a must to this case.
Ali Hamouda
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I am with the second point of Mr.Anil..that we should build the 2nd baseline from the first baseline(Target with out %progress)..because this is the orginal Plan or commitement .and these are the target dates that was Contractualy approved..

Is what is the use of comparing the coming updates with a target that has been built from another update(from the contract point of veiw).

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Re-baseline is necessary. We split the whole schedule into 2 parts. ’As built’ for those activities before data date and ’Forecast’ for the rest.
For those 100% completed activities, just let it stated and no change since it is as-built.
For those in progress activities, need to review it one by one. If the scope and sequence of task no change, keep the input progress. If the scope or working sequence changed, I prefer split the activity into 2. The first part will be 100% completed and the other is the remaining part for re-sequence.
For those non-start activities, just re-sequence them and revise the scope.

For comparison purpose, the schedule is not 1 to 1. If summary bars provided, there is no harm and difficult.
Anil Gupta
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In my opinion new baseline shall be with revised scope + percentage progress.% progress needs to considered as that will reflect the real picture at that time.
And then while updating one has compare with the new target dates(i.e revised with % progress)..Hope i am clear.
Also if time permits and u r ready to revise the schedule then i would say make new schedule adding new scope of work and remaining activities of old schedule with Or=Remaning duartion and progress as 0...That would be ideal target schedule
Ali Hamouda
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OK, that seems to be good answer.

But, a Target Project is to compare Target dates and original cost and budget amounts. Target Project is not for a comparison of the ongoing Progressed activities i.e. the remaining durations, which leads to different dates from the target dates (1st Baseline).

If we build a 2nd baseline from the Updated schedule, are we going to compare the coming update by this 2nd baseline that we build from updated schedule?

Are we going to compare the coming update by the target dates, which we assign in our original Plan? And which we commit to finish the project according to those dates.

More answers will be appreciated

Ali Hamouda
Bernard Ertl
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Strictly from a management perspective (as opposed to possibly a contractual one), I would set a baseline target that reflects reality to the best of everyone’s knowledge.

If you are trying to manage a project to a realistic goal, what is the point of removing accrued progress? Unless progress has advanced 100% in line with the schedule, removing the progress will yield a distorted picture/target.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software