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MPX Conversion

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Yen Fei Beh
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Hi there
Just a quick question:
I am not able to convert from MS Project to P3, because P3 recognizes MPX. I am not able to save in MS Project (2000) as mpx, only in mpp.
Can anyone help with this please.


Beh Yen Fei, Penang


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The additional information is from P3e OBS if I remember correctly.
When import MPP into P3e, the project will be under the OBS system. To avoid the additional information, consider working a brand new database without OBS or only 1 level OBS, the output is much better.
Ruel Llegado
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Bernard Ertl,

Thank you for the MPX2000. It is also working with MSProject 2003. It is a great help.

I tried using P3ec import then export this to P3 3.1, however, I found out some additional information from P3ec default, that was not included from the original MSProject 2003.

Best regard,

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I don’t think it is a problem from conversion.
Instead, please check the Btrieve version. P3 still working on 6.x but some other software/solution is in 7.x
Project prepared by 7.x cannot open in 6.x environment.
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Thanks for the zip file. I’ved already convert 1 file
to mpx but when i opened it in P3 it says "Project does not exist".

For those who done it, need your help.



wilfred datinguinoo
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Can i have a copy of that Zip file from your Tech Support.
I’m also having the same problem.
This is my email ad

Thanks in advance


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The utility to convert from MPP format to P3 or P3e format is dependent upon a number of issues.
The following are anumber of issues/problems that we have encountered.

#PC suitability (CPU capability and speed, systems struggle on piii or less, with less clock speed of 500mhz or less).

#RAM memory (we had 256mb)

#Source file size (an MSP file of 8mb (our filesize) was too large).

#Loops within the source file

#Non printable characters in source file (i.e. non ASCII)

#Progress ’actuals’ misinterpretation.

#Multiple Calendars in source file

#Numbers and types of logic links

#Numbers and types of fixed date constraints

#Date formats in the source file

#Server interruptions (we found its best to log off the email system during conversion to stop ’streaming’)

#Stability of PC Operating system

#Stability of P3e (on a server)

#Stability of P3e (on a server)

The big difference it seems between P3 and P3e is the field size capability (p3 is limited to 48 characters when converting from MPP), and that P3 seems to download the whole project locally before conversion even if the project is located on a server and then carrie sout conversion work, whereas P3e is scripted to extract the data from the server as an export (into memory) and then saves to disk. It appeared to help to have both source project and target MPX file on the server, even if slowed down by network traffic.

BEFORE you execute the MPX file conversion utility you may have to reconfigure it ability to access the database. To do this you must right click on the MPX icon that brings up the reconfiguration utility. (in our case changing the access to Windows 2000 even though we are running XP professional, this is done through the Properties submenu.

It is FAR better to have "Team Play" plug-in which automatically converts the files, subject to no data problems and obviates the need to create MPX files.

Hope this helps,

Atha Fokias

Bernard Ertl
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Please do not post the same message in multiple threads.

Before posting, please check the other MPX discussion to make sure your question is not already posted or answered.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
Gussein Mamedov
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Dear All!
Please, kindly do me favor pls. I have tried all the instructions from you on this site. Thanks a lot. But since I tried to download this MPPtoMPX.exe from Primavera site, I can not register my P3 software, because its said my software is old in version, although my software is licensed officially ordered from Primavera itself by my company.

Pls. kindly suggest how to solve the problem with convertion of MS Project 2000 files to P3. It is extremely important for me.
May someone can forward me MPPtoMPX.exe utility already downloaded or there is another clue? My e-mail address , corporate
Paul McCarthy
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As long as you have a valid copy of P3 (or I guess even Suretrak) you just need to give your local P3 tech support guys a call and they will send it on to you within 5 mins as a zip file for free.
You will just need to give them your licence number to prove that you are a legitimate user. Hope this helps?
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Could someone help me to get that P3 MPP to MPX Utility for "free"?


Daniel T. S
Yen Fei Beh
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Thanks a lot.
The file downloaded from P3 Tech works fine.

Beh Yen Fei
Paul Harris
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Many thanks I will get my man to check it.

I found with some of these conversion utilities is that they leave data behind such as Notes and it is important that users check that all their data is converted.


Paul E Harris
Bernard Ertl
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FYI, I tried clicking on the nav bar at the top of your site and got Javascript errors for the About Eastwood Harris, Publications and Interesting Links menu links. The Tech Papers worked fine. You may want to test it (its possible the problem is on my end).

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
Paul Harris
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There is an article on my web page that covers this topic. Please let me have some feedback on it.


Paul E Harris
Bernard Ertl
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Sciforma has an applet that will convert Microsoft Project 2000 .MPP files to .MPX. Scroll down a little bit to the MPX2000 listing:

MPX2000 applet

I have not used this tool, so I do not know how well it works.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems Inc. - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software
Paul McCarthy
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We had the same problem here.
Your solution is fine if you still have older copies of MSP.
Good news though Primavera Tech Support have come up with their own utility. It is called MPPtoMPX Utility and can be dowloaded from their site as a 363k zip file. There are also some jpg screenshots to help.
We have run the utility here, it works fine.
Hope this helps
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Hi There

There is only 1 sure way to do this thats to have MS Project 98, you need to save the 2000 file as a MSP 98 format, then open the file in MS Project 98 then save as an .MPX then convert with P3,
