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Cost Driving

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Dear Specialist,

how make cost can driving resources
as far i know, once the resources assignments are made, P3 calculates bugdeted cost automatically.

if i have fixed budget cost, how P3 calculates the number of units per day (resources) based on the fixed bugdet cost?

because most of my projects have limited/fixed budget.

have you any idea to make p3 to do that ?

bambang pangestu


Jorge Taguinod
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Decide if you want quantities linked to costs.

- if you do, then budgeted costs will be computed based on your budgeted quantities * unit price... an not the other way around.

- if you want your cost budgets to be independent of your budget quantities, then create a resource (Examlple: BUDGET) and load each and every activity with this resource and put a price per activity accordingly. You can use a spreadsheet to import/export the data. The total should equal your contract price. In this case, you may experience large variances when you monitor because you are being forced to cost your activities based on budget and not based on resources required to accomplish activities.

The difference in perspectives between P3 (which does bottom-up budgeting) and your director (who wants top-down budgeting) may be better addressed by P3e (which does top-down budgeting).

Also, I think that if you already have budgets per activity, then your estimating team should have had developed a materials take-off, which should have been the basis of your budget. If so, then you could just grab a hold of this, do some tweaking in a spreadsheet, and distribute this across activities in P3.

You need to go through P3 601, 602 and 603 courses. These courses are empowering!


Crown Systems
Ali Vessali
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Dear bambang,

Your request is very unusual, but in the case of having deferent distribution curves for resource unit and cost, you should assign a dummy cost resource for each real resource and then set “Unit Price = 0” in all real resources and set real Unit Price for dummy ones. In this case you will have two resources assigned per each real resource in the activities. So you can define front loaded curve for real resources and back loaded curve for dummy cost resources.

Ali Vessali
bambang Pangestu
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Dear specialist,

I have a similar question with my previous one: how to tell P3 to develop cost curve that is independent to resource curve.

For example, when I input or create a linear resource loading, P3 also develops a linear cost loading. Is it possible for P3 to develop a back loaded cost based on a front loaded resource?

bambang Pangestu
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Dear Soheil Jafari,

thanks for your comment
if i clear check box at autocost rules, p3 will recalculate cost manually but it still not solve the problem

for example
my director adjusted in one of activity (from the group of activies) only has 1000 USD bugdeted. he ask me how many resourses that needed and how far duration to finished it ?

should i do trial and errors to reach the bugdet ?


you can go to auto cost rules then clear check box which is describe link between BC and BQ
good luck

Soheil Jafari
User offline. Last seen 4 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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you can go to auto cost rules then clear check box which is describe link between BC and BQ
good luck