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Driving & non-driving resource in offshore HUC

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Redzuan Samsudin
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Posts: 11
Hi all

Im working in a Offshore Hook-Up & Commissioning company which primarily deals with oil platform projects in Malauysian water & its sorrounding region.

I’m quite new to P3 (Client request) as our previous preferred tool is MS Project.

1 concept which is new to me is driving & non-driving resources.

Q : Which resources (driving / non-driving) should I use for offshore HUC projects.

I’ve read the P3 Project & Control Guide but need further explanation.

Thanks a lot.



John Lawson
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I cann’t see what you will have to gain by using the Resources driving optiion in P3. As all your OD’s will be calculated from the imported manhours / mixed crew sizes.

Would you not be better to apply it to only any critical resources that you may have.


Redzuan Samsudin
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Good day to all

Thank you for all the response. I will explain my normal way of planning (which initially in MSP, I use almost the
same method).


My planning in hours as the jobcards is detailed by manhours.

For each resource in an activity, I will set the BQ & UPT.
(BQ = Total MHrs for that resource, UPT = Resource (e.g. 1 men/2 men Rigger) required for each hour).

The duration (OD) of an activity will be determine by the longest Duration between all resource.

For this I will set all resources as DRIVING.

I’m doing it this way because this is the normal way I did in MS Project (minus the driving/non-driving).

Majority of the data are ky in by using MS Excel (Lotus - P3 import/export)

From my understanding, as an offshore work where are men, eqpt, materials are available before work all my resources should be DRIVING. Is that Correct?


Jawad Al-Nimri
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dear all,

in P3 you can set up your resource availability / calendars and by changing the activity TYPE you will make p3 calculates and decide about the critical one. (the driving one) then you will have the correct duration.

Zhang Haixiang
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I’m not fimilar with oil/gas.
Driving/no driving resource is a general term in scheduling.

to finish a task, e.g. to install piping, you may need crane,pipe, welder... , all these you need to finish the task are considered resource, which resource control the duration of the task,then the resource is consider as driving.

which is driving depends on the site condition, if you have problem with pipe fabrication/delivery,it can be a driving resource. if you have enough piping, but few welder, then welder can be driving.

So different project has different driving resource, even they are same type,size...

John Lawson
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Your Driving resources will depend on what your critical resouces turns out to be when you compare your planned planhours against what you have physically available.

Most hook-ups I have worked on we always seem to have a problem with Pipe Welders(6G) who weld the exotic materials i.e. Kunifer, Stainless, Moly etc.

Other key trades are the High Voltage Cablers/Terminators,(need to Certifiied) along with Electricians for Termination/Testing work (latter not a case of numbers of electricians but access to the termination cabinets).

Another one to watch out for is Pipework Pressure testing labour along with NDE/NDT testing, not because of the manhours etc but the safety restrictions that will close off parts of the platform when they are working.

The final one to watch out for are the Commissioning Technicians, all types i.e Electro, Instrumennts, Mechanical, Telecomms etc.

The general trades i.e. plate workers, plate welders, Pipe fitters, Insulators, Scaffolders etc should not cause you many problem as long as their is a sufficient supply afailable.

One thing I would warn you is to avoid letting P3 loose to carry out scheduling of labour, as your schedules produced can look very "strange". You have to play about with the scheduling criteria to get it to produce a workable plan. I tend to just use the network logic and apply dates that P3 call "Constrains" then hopefully I can produce a resonable histogramme.

