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Target Update

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Ali Hamouda
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Hello every body

Any one have Idea about using target update command in p3.

1-when to be used?before project start or during project execution or both?
2-what are the limitaions in using target update both technically and contractualy?
3-what are the possiblites of updating a target?
is it applicable for updating all the data as when we are going to creat new project?

do u advice by using target update?

thanks in advance by your answers.



Colin Cropley
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As usual, the online help available in P3 is useful in explaining why features are used as well as how.
The manuals are also helpful.
In the "Planning & Control Guide" (p154), a brief reason for updating the target is given:
"As a project progresses and changes occur, you can globally incorporate the changes into the target project so the data you compare are accurate."
The Targets and Progress chapter in the Reference Manual tells you why to create targets and how to update them globally, feature by feature.
Note that the manuals are also included on the P3 CD as pdf files, with the Acrobat reader exe files.
Looking at your questions in turn:

1-when to be used? Before project start or during project execution or both?
When a project schedule is created, and all stakeholders have reviewed / approved it, a copy of the schedule is made, and made the Target of the current schedule as the current schedule is updated. This Target becomes the Project Baseline, against which progress is compared.
As the schedule is updated, new activities, new resources, new activity codes are all likely to be created. To keep a meaningful record for comparison, it is often necessary to update the target schedule. But this is a tricky subject and careful though must be given to what is updated. I strongly advise that the original baseline schedule be kept without any updating (so you can always go back and refer to it), and that a copy of the original baseline be made to receive update target data from the current schedule.
But it is helpful to have multiple target schedules to compare with the current schedule.
eg, last week’s or last month’s schedule, as well as the original Baseline, so you can show stakeholders how the schedule has changed a) since the last update and b) compared with the original baseline.

2-what are the limitations in using target update both technically and contractualy?
a) Be careful not to add current information (eg, actual dates and actual resource info) that destroys the comparison with the ewarlier schedule
b) A big technical issue is how to display scope changes. When a variation is approved bny the client, how do you show that on, for example, the project S-curve? Is it a vertical "jump" in the planned curve, or no change to the planned curve, but the actual progress is reduced (because the project is now bigger than it was)?
c) The client (& other stakeholders) must have confidence that you are comparing the current schedule with the project baseline, whether original, or with approved variations - whatever is agreed.

3-what are the possiblites of updating a target?
is it applicable for updating all the data as when we are going to creat new project?
You have to read the manual to understand the effect of each of the updating choices, and perhaps, do some "what if" updates to see and understand the effects for yourself.

Tomas Rivera
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Answers to your questions in the same order they were made:
1.- I do not use target update utility before project start. Before project start we develop the target schedule; therefore, no updates needed yet. We only use target update when the changes in the working schedule (current schedule) are extensive and are needed to update the target. Otherwise we manually modify or update the target to become a new baseline. When this updating needs to include progress information, we use target update also.
2.- Contractually, I do not see any relevance here. From the contract point of view and in general, we update or modify the target when there is a change order approval. Technically, we have not used it that extensively to give you a good answer. In general, it does the work we have needed.
3.- I have never tried to use it for the purpose of creating a new project, but I think it might be a good option to explore.
4.- I do advise to use target update, but not all the time. Sometimes the target just needs a small change and the current schedule has many more changed information that it is not the way to go.