I have seen a couple of spreashsheets created that estimated days /month or days/activity that a project is likley to lose from different weather conditions such as below.
Both of these do a job but I am wanting to create something that has a bit more jsutification behind it, for example the first picture shows recommended delay days but what is the justification for these and for what area is this relevant. wherease the second has a bit more justification in that it looks at wind speeds which can be amended for areas and environments taken from eurocodes but theres no justification as to why this is used.
Im wanting to create something that I can generate days per month estimated down time for different locations and activities with jsutification behind it.
Does anyone have any examples or advice, they can share? Or is the best bet pulling historical weahter data for a number of years and then compring against max operational speeds for cranes and lowest temp say concrete can be pour at , lowest temp bricks can be layed etc to see how many days/hours would be lost to each every month.