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User offline. Last seen 6 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello frineds,
Hope you all are doing great.
I Have construction Acitivtes (Physical %) which are assinged with labor Units (Direct) & Cost not loaded. That means during the update of scheudle I will have BL Units, Planned Units, Earned Units. Now I would like to see Activity Plan % & Earned % at the activity level, WbS & SubWBS  level also.
So, I have created One UDF as integer and I applied the Global change 
UDF = Planned units/BL Units * 100%; This is successed for Acitivity level. But How to get the Plan % & Earned % at the WBS Level ?
Finally My goal is see the Plan % & Earned % at the Acitivy & WBS level also.
Hope I have cleared myself.
Thanking you.
Prasad -


David Kelly
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I only use two of the twenty % complete fields in layouts:

Performance % complete is Earned Value  (BCWP/BC * 100)

Schedule % complete is Planned Value  (BCWS/BC * 100)

Note that thees are both cost related. If your baseline was created before you made each resource $1.00 per hour, Schedule % complete will not roll up.  You may need to:

Restore the baseline

Reset the resource costs (under the "tools" menu in the windows client)

make it a baseline again


User offline. Last seen 6 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear David, Iam greatful to your reply. Thank u somuch. I will immediatly assign a cost to the units ( @ 1 $/MHr) & I will check. & I hope it will roleup gives me the Plan % at Activity/WBS level also. But, can u please suggest me that for which Field (Column name) I can see the Rollup % or If I needs to apply what will be the Global change Formula for the UDF " Plan %" .? Thanks again. Prasad
David Kelly
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My understanding of your query is that you are doing Earned Value Analysis in Manhours, not Money.

That you cannot see summary values suggests you are using P6.

P6 does not do earned value in quantity properly.

You will need to set the value of all resources to $1.00 per hour in both the current and baseline plan.

Then you will see the WBS  values, weighted by cost but with $1.00 per hour, cost=quantity