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How to change WBS path in primavera P6?

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pratheesh Prakash
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Hi All,

Badly need your advise.

I am trying to copy the updates from 'X' program onto another program 'Y'. X has Y+150 activities. 

I did the exporting to excel and imported the relevant activities in to X program. All is find except for a few hundred activities which do not have any WBS assigned. These are being placed outside the WBS under the main program name. In other words these moved out from their respective WBS heads. 

I tried changing the name of WBS path in excel but of no help. I am not finding a global change option to make changes to WBS. Please provide your suggestions. 

Thanks in advance



Zoltan Palffy
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there are several ways to import a wbs

1. create a few wbs lines in p6 export as an xer then open the xer in a text editor and paste the wbs portion into excel and continue to build the wbs in excel then copy the excel portion of the wbs into the xer opened n the text editior, save the file, then import the xer into p6

2. create a few wbs lines in p6 export as an xer then use the excel parser and select load xerf ile and make the rest of the wbs in the parser using the Projwbs tab at the bottom. Then select create xer file  and import the xer file into p6.

3. Download ranga and use ranga (add on for excel) and select create wbs fill in the rest of the ubs and then select  Raw import and then select Export Raw xer file and then import this file into P6

Nihat Yildirim
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WBS cannot be imported and can't be modified by Global change in P6 Professional.

We have developed a tool using Primavera API.

Please check these:

Zoltan Palffy
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yes the parser is another option. you can assignn a wbs to an activity using excel once the wbs structure has been crested. After I have created the wbs structure I go to the wbs and select all of it and copy it into the spreadsheet the I am going to use to import activities and I make a drop down list in excel so I can assign the wbs value in excel it make t he process much easiler

Steven Auld
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You are correct - you can use the SDK to create the WBS in excel, however not everyone is able to use the SDK to update the Primavera Database depending on their IT setup.

You can also create the WBS using the XER Parser (Guide on Plan Academy as to how to do this: if you cannot use the SDK.

From Prathy's post I have taken it that he is using the Primavera Spreadsheet Import / Export option to copy the update from one project to another, which does not allow for the creation of WBS Codes & will default to the Project WBS Code if the correct path does not exist.



Zoltan Palffy
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not true if you use SDK you can create the WBS

Steven Auld
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The WBS path cannot be created using the excel import / export.

If you look at the column names in the excel export sheet, both WBS Name & WBS Path have the (*) symbol at the start, which indicates that they are not imported into Primavera from the excel sheet.

The WBS Code would have to be created in Primavera first, then you should be able to assign these WBS Codes to activities using the Excel Import - the full WBS Path would need to be assigned against the WBS Code column in the excel sheet.

The WBS Code field is the full path including the Project level WBS Code value.

If the WBS Code already exists in the Project you are importing into, then it should be able to be assigned using the "WBS Code" column (wbs_id) & not the "WBS Path" column (wbs_path).

You can use the "Fill Down" in Primavera to speed up the WBS Code assignment for the activities that are now imported against the Project WBS instead of using the Global Change.

Hope this helps.
