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change order and reflection in baseline

2 replies [Last post]
Ahmet Tuter
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All change order modify the baseline in some way, such as cost, scope or time. but we do not create a new baseline everytime.

how do we reflect this change order which only modifies part of the basline, in the baseline?

for example, lets say we are building a house, and a change order added a 10 meter wall. we add an activity or activities for building that wall, put in its durations resources, money into it ... and when we do earned value calculations, how does it work for this, for something that did not exist before? This is my question I guess


Zoltan Palffy
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you don't once you have the baseline YOU DO NOT MODIFY THE BASELINE. What you do is you copy the baseline and as the project progresees you PROGRESS THAT schedule this is the updated schedule. Thne can ADD any change orders to the updated schedule then you can compare it to the baseline so that you can see what was added and look for differences. If you add it to the baseline then you will NEVER see any differences. 

Indra Pandu Prasetyo
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Hi Ahmet,

How often change order occurs? How big is the change order impact to overall schedule?

Yes I agree, we cannot change the baseline everytime. As I understand, baseline contains not only scope, schedule and cost, but also reflect the strategy how to manage the project execution.
Changing the baseline --> change of execution strategy

Based on my experience, if the change order has significant effect to the schedule (ex: shifting overall schedule completion/ key milestone, changing of sequence, changing execution plan, etc.), then re-baseline must be done, and progress plan will follow.
But if it has only small impact to the schedule, no need to do re-baseline, just add new activities to cover change order.

Schedule change history should be made and updated each time change happens in schedule, it will help tracking the schedule in later time.
