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Budgeted Non Labor Units increasing to 8 times when imported to other computer

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shreeraj khilare
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Greetings for the day folks.

I am new to a job and i dont know how earlier guy has loaded Non labor units. 

When I am exporting a project and importing to other computer resources are increasing by 8 times.

Please guide me to straighten this thing.


Thanks in advance.


Zoltan Palffy
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this can happen if you import a p3 project or a ms project into p6.

did you use any of these ? You have to chage a setting when importing these types of projects

to fix this go to tools global change


up top make under select subject area the sure that is says Activity Resource Assignments

Where resource equals non labor

then Budgeted Non Labor Units = Budgeted Non Labor Units / 8

to get the 8 in the paramater value select {Custom} then this will giev you teh ability to put a value in there

then on the right select change the bottom select committ changes