So I've been extremely frustrated as of late with importing schedules for numerous reasons.
1) we have the contractors resource the non-labor units to match their contractual $$ so we can do earned value off their physical % complete. With the non-labor units we create non-labor resource at a $1.00/hr rate
2) we have them load the manhours into the labor units and assign a labor resource, and they can progress their actual manhours burned
3) when i import their schedules i'm having numerous issues quite regularly and i'm not sure whats going on
a) their schedule progresses fine when they provide the PDF copy along with their XER to be imported/updated, but when I import/update I have some of their activities progressing in the future, where their exact Activity ID that matches on the PDF doesn't progress pass the DD
b) their schedule will roll up the performance % complete columns so it shows the nodes overall progress, but on my imported/updated schedule, it still shows 0% but the % complete by activity all matches to their PDF, just won't roll up, and this only happens on 1 of the 3 contractors all utilizing the same set up that we worked with them to create.
c) i have loops that get created when I import their schedule, on their schedule, but they are not getting these loops on their end
When I import their schedules, I'm just using the default configurations set by P6... This is really bothering me and I cannot seem to ever solve the issue. Any suggestions?