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EP C CM master shedule and integration with other scheduels and interfaces

7 replies [Last post]
Carmen Arape
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Dear All,

What would it be the best, efficient way to manage an EP C CM (where C is construction and CM is pre&commissioning) schedule with 4 main construction sub-contractors and important client interfaces (utilities supply and permits).

The EP C CM schedule has been split in 3 linked schedules:

  • EP schedule (engineering + procurement): linked to construction.
  • C schedule (Construction) : linked to pre and commissioning.
  • CM schedule: includes pre and commissioning.

The C schedule contains 4 construction contractor schedules:

For the main subcontractor (2), their schedules have been included in the master C schedule (construction)

  • Doing this for the first time is not a problem. The problems starts with the weekly update. Very difficult to keep up the master fully aligned with changes done by subcontractor. The master schedule will start reporting inconsistencies and inaccurate information about activities.

I do not like this practice, I would rather define KEY milestones in subcontractor schedule and place the milestones in the master schedule.

Is there any different way about this practice??


Client interfaces: I would rather add milestones in the master EP C CM schedule.

Avoid adding activities. Reason for this is the update.

Is there any different way about this practice?


Thanks in advance for your input,




Rafael Davila
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Construction Schedulers are used to update their schedules using Data Date [Status Date], in this industry not updating to Data Date is considered bad practice.  In other industries such as manufacturing other methodologies [Status Date Calculation Options] are used.  Because I work Construction Industry schedules I am not proficient in the other methods.

To follow Data Date updating in MS Project is difficult but can be done.


3.3.2. Observing the Status Date - As explained above, MSP was not designed to calculate estimated schedule dates using the Status Date.    Forcing  MSP  to  observe  the  Status  Date  is  very  complicated  process  that  requires understanding  the  calculation  options  in  conjunction  with  using  the  “Reschedule  Uncompleted Work” on the Update Project form.  

I use Spider Project whose default option is to calculate estimated schedule dates using the Status Date but offers other options as well.  As far as I recall P6 does not offer the other options available in Spider Project.  When working with large portfolios the other options available in Spider Project can provide a pragmatic approach for portfolio updating.  Better than using a Taser Gun to force all Contractors and Subcontractors to submit their updates always on time and always to same Status Date. Not updating a portfolio because some dates are missing is not a good idea, on the other hand lying about the missing dates can be worse.

For P6 you have the following option, not as flexible as Spider Project options but might be good enough for your needs if you are a P6 user.

Schedule a project [P6]

4. Choose one of the following options:

Choose All projects use their own data date if you want to schedule all open projects according to the data date currently specified for each open project. Choose this option when the open projects have different data dates and you want to maintain these dates.

Good Luck

Carmen Arape
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Hi Johanne,

Thanks for your reply.

You mentioned something that I avoided deliberately. The packages for MC,  hydrotest (as part of precomm) and final comm. packages or ready for start-up-RFSU.

To mention the packages means to explain the transition between an schedule based on WBS to a schedule based on systems.

The construction schedule is based on WBS (areas of the new facility). Once that we have reached a significantly progress in construction , mainly piping, we will start bridging to MC packages.

We do not include the MC packages in the C schedule. We include then in the CM schedule because the WBS is based on the system needed for RFSU.

To manage the follow up of MC packages has to do more with a powerful database able to sort and filter thousands of records.

The plan for the MC packages in the CM schedule is based on 1 activity per discipline indicating the execution of the work.

The update of the level 1 activity comes from the MC packages database.





Zoltan Palffy
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you are correet that is why is is imperative that you establish an updating proceedure at the very start of the project and that everyone buys into it. 

Rafael Davila
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Because most of my jobs are stand-alone I do not have such issues but this is not the case for everyone.

In the ideal world you shall get frequent updates for the whole portfolio, easier said than done.  Not easy and perhaps impractical if a portfolio of hundreds of jobs, hundreds of PMs and many more subcontractors. 

When it is not possible to have all your Portfolio Jobs or even all activities within a single job updated to exactly same DD then you have no other option than to report based on most up to date available data, it is just a matter of scheduling options and procedures that allows for this.

In a Portfoloio schedule run, all activities mean all portfolio activities, the same goes for the other scheduling options.

Updating01 photo PortfolioProjectsUpdating01_zpsyil0mwo0.png

Note on above illustration that NOT ALL current schedule bars or portion are greyed before DD.

 photo PortfolioProjectsUpdating02_zpsm8dcfd2f.png

Note on the above illustration ALL current schedule bars or portion are greyed before DD.

Good Luck.

Johannes Vandenberg
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H Carmen

Especially when it comes to the mechanical completion, pre-commissioning and commissioning phase, the devil is in the details. I suggest that you continue to work on a fully integrated schedule model as Zoltan suggested.

I miss one particular schedule in your description, and that is mechanical completion schedule for all the test packs, MC packs, sub-systems packs. 

This schedule bridges the construction activities to the to the pre-commissioning and commissioning phase of the work.

With regards to the updating, yes I know it is tough to get the schedule updated, but it is important that this is continuing.

I suggest that you force all the disciplines to sent the weekly update not later than Friday the week under review. This gives you the opportunity to update and analyze the schedule before the weekly progress meeting.

Later in the pre-commissioning phase, day meetings are essential.



Carmen Arape
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Thanks Zoltan.

I just need to convince others that this is the best approach in terms of quality of information in a long term.

Some managers think that they need to control at the level 5 activities. They want all in one place.

The set up of a schedule needs to be more oriented to the quality of updates,  being able to manage changes, being able to report to main users on timely manner.


Zoltan Palffy
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I think the way that you have it set up now is the proper way. If you have a WEEKLY meeting wit the sub and get their input then there should not be any inconsistencies and inaccurate information about activities.

If you only have define KEY milestones in subcontractor schedule and place the milestones in the master schedule. You have no idea of the underlaying problem if the key milestones begin to slip. 

For the clinet interfaces it would be acceptable to add milestones just make sure that they are linked ot activiites correctly because if THEIR activities are delayed you want to be able to show how THEY delayed YOU.