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Crew Size and composition

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First of all, thanks to all the contributors who have provided their invaulable ideas and experience. My one main concern while deleoping the schedule is the resource loadng. The one piece of information I am falling short is the crew size or crew composition. In general , I consider 4 personnel in a team and all my man power calculation are based on this team size only. This looks like a good assumption for the over all project as such but when I break down the activiites, this assumption is not so accurate. Can you please provide me with the crew size for various activiites. I am working as project planning for EPCm projects so my major works.


Zoltan Palffy
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if you know the quantity of what you are installing, and you know the standard installation rate to install it based on past experience or using some industry standards (there are many based on the type of work) then you can either say I want to do it in X number of days of I need Y number of men. Or you can say I want to use X number of men only and as a result it will now take Y number of days. 

Mike Testro
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Hi Joe

Different tasks need different crew make up and that depends on your own experience.

For instance a crew of dry liners on floor level 14 need a bigger crew than on level 2 - that is just common sense.

If you do not know then ask someone who does - PP is not a forum for such detail.

Best regards

Mike Testro