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Mervilyne Pangan...
User offline. Last seen 2 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 53

Dear Gentlemen,

To do the Progress Update, you need to incorporate the % of work done, actual dates and change the logic if there is out of sequence. Am i right or wrong? Because the PM said that the Contractor is not allowed to change the links since it is the approved baseline program.

Please advice.





Zoltan Palffy
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he is right in that he can not change the logic in the ORIGINAL BASELINE SCHEDULE.

However you are correct in that once you start to update the schedule logic can and will change.

out of sequence logic must be adjusted. Things NEVER go as originally planned sometimes you can get a jump on an activiity and in the the schedule the realtionships was a fs but now in the current working conditions its a ss maybe with a lag.

the contractor can change the links as long as he has a valid reson to change the links. Some of the examples are liste din Mike's reply. Its also a good idea to let him tell you what the logic changes are going to be then have them included in the monthly narrative and or supply a claim digger report as an audit trail.

here is a scenerio 

the original approved baseline schedule reflected that the work would start in the souther portion of the project and proceed towards the northern part of he project. Now something happend and the constractor is forced to work from north to south this change of sequence MUST be revised in the updated schedule to reflect current field conditions or your schedule is totally inaccurate.


Mike Testro
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Hi Mervilyne

Out of sequence working indicates that the original logic was wrong.

This could be because:

1. The Contractor has found a better way of working


2. He cannot comply with the original sequence.

Unless the programme is incorprated as a contract document it will be subject to revision whenever changes occur.

So the Contractor should be advised to revise the programme logic to reflect the current method of construction.

If the revision shows an earlier completion then any extra flaot will belong to the contractor.

If the revision creates a later completion date then a notice should be sent to comply with the contract date.

Best regards

Mike Testro