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Fareed Memon
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I have prepared a Baseline in P6 but it is not approved due to several comments. The Main comment which is making problem for me is float. My activities has float over 200 and client instructed do not exceed total float than 80. 
All milestone activities are not critical & as per requirement should be critical. I have also changed my Critical Path method to the longest path.
I have tried to change the relationships but it is not changed as I did not run the schedule but if I will press F9 and will run the schedule all the duration/ dates will be changed as relationship of the each activity is not yet final. So how can I know that whatever changes I am doing with relationships will be effective for me or not!

Even I donot exactly know what will is a logic to reduce the float.

Please help me out to solve the issue.

Thanks & Best Regards.


Fareed Memon
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Thanks alot Mike & Tom for your generous help. I really appreciate.

As I have more than 1500 activities in my schedule. I amtrying to comply it but taking alot of time as I always create a backup file and then run the schedule and check the changes that occurred. Is there any other way to expedite it.


Thanks & Regards



Mike Testro
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Hi Tom

I would not advise putting in logic links just to reduce float.

Logic must reflect the actual work sequence otherwise it is meaningless.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Tom Reichner
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It sounds like you have no open ends, and you stated that you have removed the single constraint. If you still have high float on many activities, you can always add a successor to each, with as low float as you can find, using an FS relationship. That may have been what Mike Testro was trying to explain.


You may have to add successors that are not related to the type of work in the activity with high float, but this method will work.

Mike Testro
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Hi Fareed

Please do not use Lead Lags on links unless they are for drying out or curing in which case they must be in calendar days.

In some projects a lot of float is inevitable - if you have a number of stand alone sections linked to one completion date then each section will have a lot of float.

Another way to reduce float is to add a Contractor's Risk Buffer Task between your last construction task in a section and the completion date(s).

These buffers can be linked to the completion date of the project thus creating a clear critical path.

This gives you a clear start in the "who owns the float" discussion.

What I suspect is really happening is that you are planning at level 3 with multi task + multi location groups in one task.

You are then guessing where the lead lag predecessor should be down to the next group - forgetting the successor.

Good luck anyway

Mike Testro

Fareed Memon
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Thank you very much Mr. Mike.

F5 is really a funtastic option you told me, I will try it. Secondly only 1 activity has no predessor and 1 has no successor, rest all are linked through successor. No any loop and no constraints but now i have put constraints on Milestones as i wanted to make it critical but no change had occur by putting constraint so I planned to remove the constraint as I donot know whether my client will accept it!

But can you explain me what is the best practise to reduce the float. How much lag successor should have in order to keep minimum float.


Best Regards



Mike Testro
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Hi Fareed

First save your file with a new name so that you can experiment a bit.

Make sure that every task has at least one successor link - even if only to the completion milstone.

How many SS links do you have  - how many of these have lead lags?

By using only FS links you will reduce the float significantly.

Do not use constraints to reduce float.

Best regards

Mike Testro