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The finish date of my project is off by a few days.

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michele earley
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Im doing a schedule for school where a project started on June 25, 2012. The project duration is 584 calendar days from the start date, which the finish date will be January 29, 2014. 


I created a new calendar to represent "calendar days" meaning all days  in the year is accounted for and made them 8hrs a day Sun-Sat. I chose this new calendar for my project duration activity and the finish date comes out as February 8, 2014. I am off by ten days.


I checked other schedules I've done in the past where i included a project duration activity and a certain amount of project duration in calendar days from the start date and they are about 10 days off from the start date as well. I have rechecked the calendar option, if I mistyped anything but I cant find my mistake.


I also doubled checked if the finish date is suppose to be January 29, 2014 using this site below, and it is right. Does anyone know where these 10 extra days are coming from? Thanks


Rafael Davila
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Maybe the calendar that you used to create the new calendar transferred some holidays or no work days. Depending on software it might be easy to find out but some software are awful at their handling of calendars where everything is hard to figure it out and easy to tamper without others noticing. 

The following is one of the many traps in P6.

 photo 1-9-201410-20-17AM_zps0beb6375.jpg

Raymund de Laza
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Set your default calendar as that of the Calendar of the activites.



Mike Testro
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Hi Michele

No matter what calendar you are using on the tasks if the start date is 25-jun-2012 and the end date is 29-Jan-14 then your project period is 584 calendar days.

Just leave it at that.

Best regards

Mike Testro