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resources for exception working days.

8 replies [Last post]
Shazia khan
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Dear Sirs.

I have a project in KSA where during the one months

project working Hr just 6 Hr./day and other months are normal 10 hr/day for Labours.

however schedule is Resource Loaded , i have modify the Cal. mark 6 hr/day during this month but cal assign to Res is 10hr/day.
some activity having duration 35 days 60 days 90 days

these activity will be under progress during this months.

Please advise how i can reslove this problem.

Thanks & Regards


Rafael Davila
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The more productive resources you add, the less time an activity will take.

For example, you want to place 10000 ea. masonry units.

If Resource A can place 450 units per day, Resource B can place 300 units per day, and the crew is composed of 1 ea. Resource A and 2 ea. Resources B the crew will install 1x450+2x300 = 450+600 = 1050 units per day, the task will take 10000 units / (1050 units/day) = 9.52 days

If you add one resource B then the crew will be able to install 1x450+3x300 = 1350 units per day, the task will take 10000 units / (1350 units/day) = 7.40 days

You must model not only productive resources into your crew but also nonproductive as without these the productive will not be able to work and produce. In addition, it is important you model different resource productivity especially when using skills and each member of the skill pool have different productivity.

The above are very basic and simple concepts, production rates (Productivity) is the most basic estimating term of all, same as unit cost.

If your software use hour as the unit of work instead of a physical volume of work, similar to MS Project, then I would not be of any further help as this complicates the conceptual interpretation in a way I believe weird, unnecessary and therefore wrong. This inadequate use of concept/language is perhaps from time studies literature instead of the language of the estimator and the field.

When using hours as the unit of work then hours/hours would be the units for productivity, you must then define your own standard productive hour for each process, this wold be chaotic, insane.

Best regards,


V Kutty
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I am new to resource loading. I dont know what I am doing here but,

I have a 15 day activity which has a particular activity calendar. It is loaded with a resource with its resource calendar. Sometimes I find that when I load the resource and make it a resource dependant activity it reduces the duration to under 15 days. I am using P6 v7.

Please advise.



Rami Al Haddad
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For Ramadan you can reduce work days of a week by 60% (6h/10h) so a 6 days work week would become roughly 4 days work week, this can be by simply by marking 2 more days per week as non-working days on the 6 day work week calender.

As far as I know Primavera P5/P6 do not allow changing individual month(s) working hours which means one calendar can be 6hr or 8hr or 10hr or xhr throughout.

So if what you have done is that you have a assigned a different less-hours (6h/d) calendar for the activities that you believe are going to occur in Ramadan, then you have to ask yourself, what if these activities slip beyond Ramadan, what will happen then!!! the calendar they are following is surely not valid!

I think other than the solution that I have mentioned there isn’t anything else you can do in Primavera.


Rafael Davila
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Details will vary among software but using Spider Project, the following solves the issue very easy:

1-Define a workweek with 6 hours per day workdays
2-Assign this new workweek as a calendar exception to the affected calendars. Note that main week for your calendars might be different, exception just assign the new workweek to assigned calendars to the exception period, the remaining periods will use main workweek unless other exceptions change workweek. To define non-working periods you must use a workweek definition with 0-hours workweek/"Blank Week".
Calendar Exceptions 2
Calendar Exceptions 1

You should be able to adapt this to your software very easily, is the usual procedure to set up calendar exceptions.

Best Regards,
Rodel Marasigan
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You can define a calendar that work 10hrs normal and 6hrs on specific months. On your resource you can also assigned date for max unit/time to match your calendar and P6 will used that date assigned to resources.
Mike Testro
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Hi Shazia

I do not operate P6 so I can’t help.

You may have to split the task in three sections.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Shazia khan
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Dear Mr.Mike

Thanks for your response.

I am using P6.ver7

I try to do that 2 with option
But Budegeted units different.
Actvity duration is 45 days. 1 Cal 10hr/day and othe 6Hr/d

One month work only for 6 hr/d 6 * 30 = 180 units days
15 days work 10 hr /d 15 *10 = 150 units (one day is off day)
total units are 180+140 = 320 but its showing 450 units.

Pleas advise

Mike Testro
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Hi Shazia

You do not state what software you are using but in PowerProject in the resource modelling dialogue there is a tab that says Resource Calendar as Task.

If you have no such facility you will have to set up two resource sets - 1 for the 10hr day calendar and 1 for the 6hr day calendar and apply them accordingly.

Best regards

Mike Testro