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Contraint Star Shown on Start Date but no Constraint was mad

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Ashley Bales
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I have two activities in my P6 schedule that have a star next to the start date but when you look at the activity details under the status tab, it shows no constraint. I scheduled and the star remains to be there. Any ideas of how to fix this?


Kevin Norman
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Here is a new one for you. When we export our program to our client he obviously opens it and he sees * on activities but which have no constraint shown. I have imported the xer to my stand alone P6 and get the same thing so somethiong is happening when exporting to xer. I have run a global getting rid of any external link dates still no joy. And no we do not have an external project it is all in one with no external links.

Khuong Do
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I wrote an article regarding Why does Asterisk (*) appears next to the date in the Start or Finish column when no constraints applied to the activity

If you're interested, kindly read it here


Ronald Winter
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When you have relationships linking activities in two different schedules and you only export one of the schedules, then P6 automatically adds an External Early Start or an External Late Finish constraint to make the activity behave as if the missing relationship were there.  To prevent this from occurring, have the person exporting the schedule to open both schedules and export than together.  Then the relationships between the two schedules are exported as well.  Good luck!

Ashley Bales
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Ronald, you were dead on! Somehow we assigned these activities with an external early start. I am not sure how anyone would have done this considering no one in my group even know what this is. Thanks again!

Ronald Winter
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 There are three constraints that do not show up in the primary and secondary constraints boxes; the first is Expected Finish Date (on the same tab as the constraints.)  The other two can only be viewed by adding the columns, ‘External Early Start’ and ‘External Late Finish’ (in the Dates section.)  Good luck!

Raymund de Laza
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