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Planning and Scheduling with Building Access Date Constraints

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Fadil Rexhepi
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I am trying to figure out what will be the best way to show plan when I have constraints on accessing the building to perform installation of items.

For example, I need to access the dates between 1 Dec and 31 Dec, but my parts won't arrive until 15 January.  How could I show the 15 January in a Critical Path, that it is affected by the building access dates.

I can post a sample of the activities if someone is willing to help me further.



Zoltan Palffy
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you have several options 

from your senerio it appears that you have 15 calendar days of float between Dec 31 and Jan 15 so this is a little confusing to me. The building access is NOT delaying the project but the parts delivery is the driving factor.

but to do what you want 

option #1 use 2 constraints and a lag

for the acess activity use a primary constraint start on or after 1 Dec and a secondary constraint fnish on or before Dec 31

now for the parts delivery you can use a expect finish date constraint of Jan 15 and put a 10 day lag from the building access activity to the parts delivery. 

option #2 use 2 constraints and add a 10 day activity for packing/loading/transportation

for the acess activity use a primary constraint start on or after 1 Dec and a secondary constraint fnish on or before Dec 31

add a 10 day activity for packing/loading/transportation AFTER the access and prior to the installation.