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Baseline Dates vs. "Initial" Start & Finish Dates

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Ross Yu
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Hello all,

I have a project schedule (in P6) which already has weeks of progress % on some activities. I need to make a baseline schedule based on my "Current" schedule.

I made a copy of the schedule and link it to my current schedule following the "Maintain" and "Assign" baselines steps.

After the process, I expect the "BL Project Start" & "BL Project Finish" should equal to all the "Start" and "Finish" dates from the current porject, which turns out to be not the case.

All the 0% progress items dates are alright, but activities with % progress have different dates than the "Start" & "Finish" dates.

Can any one help to explain why Primavera does it this way and if it is correct to "Not" set the baseline dates to the current schedule "Start" and "Finish" dates.

Or give me some insight what Primavera is doing ?

Also, is there a solution ? (I am currently using user define dates to store the dates inorder to print the bars and list the "base dates")

I understarnd why the BL Early & Late Start & Finish dates would be different than the Current Schedule "Start" and "Finish" dates, but not why the "BL Project Start" & "BL Project Finish" should (not be the same).

Please comment. Thx



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Thanks Dear

Iftikhar Awan P.Eng.
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Hi Raviraj,

I tried your good solution and would like to propose the following modification in the global filter:

IF: AS is not equal to ""
THEN: Planned Start = Start, AND
Planned Finish = Finish

This will take care of in progress activities as well.
Maghsoud Joudi
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hope to help you.
01- Make an export file from the file which has Actual data to XER Format.

02- Go to Methodology Manager and import the XER file. While you are importing the XER file to methodology Manager, you will be directed to a windows which has two options (Use Actual and Use Planned Value). Please see the attached file. You need to select ( Use Actual).

03- After Importing the project to methodology, you can create a project in Project Manager Module by using Project Architect. At this stage, you have a project with actual data, the only thing which you need to do is converting the same to baseline or target project.

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Hi Ross,

When P6 will calculate from a baseline, it will use planned dates and not early dates. In ur case, early dates and planned dates might be same, as u may not have specifically entered planned dates. And so, in BL column u may find ES/EF dates rather than AS & AF dates.

To resolve ur issue, Go to Admin --> Admin Preferences and then click on earned value Tab. At the bottom, u will find Earned Value Calculation from a baseline:

There are three options:
- Planned Dates
- Current Dates
- .............

Choose second option to use current dates to display actual date, but then u need to check its implications on other values. I hav told my admin guys to change it, but they are dumb and deef to make any changes in teh settings.

So, the turnaround is to have global change.

If AS NE " ", then PS = AS
& AS NE " ", then PF = AF

This shud solve ur problem,


Iftikhar Awan P.Eng.
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For activities that are either complete or in progress, the start and finish columns reflect actual and forecast dates. Is there any specific reason that you want to use the actual start and finish dates as the baseline start and finish dates?

From project control point of view, its history and there is no need to baseline history. This should have been done before updating the project.

There are ways however to do it.