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Weekly and Monthly Program update

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Bert Ella
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Dear Experts,


I just want to know the right procedure of updating the baseline program by weekly and monthly. 

I am not sure if it is right to run the program on its current date prior for submission to consultant or am i going to put only the actual then let the data date same with the baseline program.

Please advise Sirs!




Kashif Khan
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u need to to create a program, set the baseline, and then set the cut off dates to update the project and to issue the progress reports, then during the period you should keep getting the progress from project managers, once the cut off date is approached, then (if you are using p6) tick the updated activities if finished on planned date otherwise after ticking the dates re-write the new dates, after updating all the progressed activities you have to press f9 and give the to-date data date and update the project.

if its useful then ok, otherwise knock me again for further clarifications,


