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In P6: Can only one Resource Type (e.g., Labor and NOT Nonlabor) update the entire Units % complete?

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moe barkouky
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Hi All,


I want the actual units of a certain (Labor) Type resource and not the actual units of the combination of resources allocated to an activity to update its UNITS % COMPLETE .  e.g.,  for a given task, i have two types of resources allocated to it, one of type LABOR and the other of the type question : can the UNITS % COMPLETE be only updated based on the quantities of the LABOR type only resource?


Thanks a bunch




Robert Victor Gam...
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Update per Physical % complete. Go to Resource profile. Select all activities. Select All Resources. Drag the S Curve to fill window. Select any of many criteria for report (Labor, Non-Labor, Cost, To-date, Baseline, as Planned, Actual or Remaining values), set print up, get S Curve for selected criteria.

Or in same Reource profile, select a resource. Select All activities. Use the S Curve window. Fine tume the lines.

There is a lot of variation available in this report.

A completely different problem is are there enough resources to complete in the baseline duration? You have to define calculation for activities to calculate resource production based on % complete. This changes activity remaining duration for original resources. At calculation you will be asked to update resource usage and activity durations? Yes.

This will cut actual duration, costs and add availability of resources for efficiencies or add activity remaining duration, cost and resource availabilty for delays. Your critical path will reflect all impacts with resource usage. Your other subs will start counting delays for REA claims, which they will win, so just pay them and save on lawyers.

Efficiencies may not affect anything if the next resource starts as planned.

If the effiencies were a new production rate based on actual performance of the sub's B Team, the sub may bring in the C Team to match performance to schedule requirements. Costs do not change, plan is met, all is well.

If the resource is not meeting the plan and is the sub's B Team, bringing in the A Team will regain production and also not change costs. The plan is met.

You can mitigate Risks by adding temp resources at bottlenecks to regain your plan. Adding temp resources to an activity regains progress for short term issues like late material and crews that were standing around waiting. This impacts costs. An acceleration may be required to regain the plan by keeping the temps on for a week or two. Last Planner may make shared workspace available for successors to keep their schedules and eliminate REAs.

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I just want to know what is the role of primary resource , if we do not mention , any effect ?





Amit Parmar (PMP)
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Hi Moe,

I understand that the excersie cannot be repeated again as you have already allocated resources :). And ya, as far as my understanding goes you can get progress curves from material resources. What kind of curves are you talking about for material resources.



Amit Parmar

moe barkouky
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Thanks Amit, its just what has been done has been done and i can not reassign nonlabor as material because i allocated the materials to non labor in order to show progress curves of eahc type of material , which can not be done with material type resources

Rafael Davila
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P6 seems like a Primitive on a Tuxedo.


Machines as well as labor can produce work, come on no matter how bad it is, it shall do better.

Perhaps the US Congress and the US Supreme Court has declared Machines with the same status as humans, same as they did with Corporations 


Amit Parmar (PMP)
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I would suggest that you assign the resource as "Labour" which affect the percentage complete of the activity and assign the other resources as "Material" instead of "Non-Labour" cause "Material" resources don't affect the "Percentage Complete" calculations.


Amit Parmar

moe barkouky
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Thanks Rafael and Shareef,


I think you guys hit the nail .. the problem is that i am concerned with updating both LABOR and NONLABOR (i mentioned before that the client wants to see the NONLABOR (represents materials in my project) and LABOR curves) , yet the calculation of the percent completion is only dependent on the LABOR type (Project Manhours).. So far because of this problem i only show PHYSICAL PERCENT COMPLETION TYPE and not % UNITS.. this means that i am updating teh project on excel and clauclating the percentage completion on excel as well as actual manhours and every thing, then i am entering them seprately on P^ physical % is separated of course from actual manhours :(

Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hi Rafael,


"As you can see Spider provides for direct calculation of what moe is asking and perhaps there is still a similar way under P6"

You are precisely on spot....


The resources have been classified as Labour, Non Labour & Materials.

But the Labour & Non Labour work together in the Budgeted quantities. Then I donot understand the use of this classification unless to be used in a report or something.

They do have a function of assigning a Primary Resource which has to be of Labour type.

I did go through the P6 reference manuals and it is very silent about this.


I did go with the assumption that Moe is not concerned about the updation of Non Labour resources.


May be some of the Experts can throw some light on this!!!



best regards

Shareef A Azeez

Rafael Davila
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Shareef and Moe,

In P6 there are ways of recalculating Budgeted Quantities, for the Remaining Duration when you have a fixed units/time...

It has been some time since we stopped using Primavera products, we used mostly SureTrak which was very limited and even had no cost accounts functionality, we had to mimic cost accounts with resources, a non leveling resource per cost account. I am not sure but believe some SureTrak settings for recalculating quantities were settings across the board and that was such a limitation that in many cases we had to abandon the idea. As you can see Spider provides for direct calculation of what moe is asking and perhaps there is still a similar way under P6, but this I do not know.

Within SureTrak I had no cost accounts and now with Spider Project I can assign a single resource multiple cost accounts each with a different unit price, this in combination to cost centers would segregate the costs for my reports but P6 is different. Here your help will be of great value.



Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hi Rafael,


"but first you need a budget to determine your %." -This is exactly the method I have used.

"beware that if over budget "% complete" can be more than 100%" - In P6 there are ways of recalculating Budgeted Quantities, for the Remaining Duration when you have a fixed units/time.

I have included the case of over budget in my example which can be applied for underbudget aswell.

The situation which Moe has mentioned where The BQ for Labour & Non Labour being equal in my example was just a coincidence. It will work even with different BQ for Labour & Non labour.



Best regards

Shareef A Azeez

Rafael Davila
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I believe you want to make man-hours or resource-hours to predict % complete if this is the case then maybe you can do the trick using cost accounts, but first you need a budget to determine your %.

I do not use P6 but believe there is a possibility the idea can be adapted as for cost represent units:

Budget Units >>>> Budget Cost

Actual Units   >>>> Actual Cost = resource hours x unit cost

Unit cost can be 1.00 for all resources if any resource hour has the same weight.

% complete = Actual/Budget (beware that if over budget "% complete" can be more than 100%)

About the % I do not know what are the options in P6 but understand too many as to make crazy anyone, therefore you shall have a predefined way to determine your percentages to make up for the lack of formulas that allow others to define their own % ratios. Here someone knowledgeable of P6 must take over.

Hope this helps,


moe barkouky
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Thanks Shareef for the nice and detailed example.. it was really nice experience going through these nice screens and very detailed description.. I totally understood this example and benefited from it, yet i still think that the Units percent completion is still affected by both the Labor and NonLabor types, it just did not show up in your example because you used equal budget quantities for both LABOR and NONLABOR TYPES, otherwise the % completion calculated based on Units % Complete will still be computed as a weighted average of both Labor and Nonlabor, i.e., having both budget units equal in this excercise (was 500 i think for both Labor and NonLabor) was the only reason why the Units % Complete was caluclated based on Labor Resource Tyoe.. or this is what i think





Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hello Moe,


I have worked out an example with screen shots, which hopefully might be of some use to you. There are 11 Screen shots and as such I cannot paste it here.

Just pass me your email id through PP private mail.

I still feel your consultant wants an Apple-Banana-Orange Cocktail specifying not to use Bananas & Oranges.


Great to know you have worked here in Dubai :)

I have also considered relocating to a near by GCC country in a months time.



Best regards

Shareef A Azeez

moe barkouky
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Thanks a lot Shareef..

welll option 1 is not an option for me because the client wants to see material and nonlabor curves in P6..its contract requirement.. Also, the material quantities do change the units percentage completion unfortunately it constitutes part of the overall progress.. as for option two , it looks viable , yet the only problem is that when i update the quantities based on the duration, still the units percentage completion per task is affected by the changes of nonlabor and material quantities, so when i modify the Labor tyoe in the end, the progress is still impacted by the apples, bannanas, and oranges :)


i think there is no solution for this problem unless there is a button or a setting that may prevent any Resource type except for (e.g., LABOR Type) from updating the units % completion.  The only optio that i find viable and i am currently using is to do all the calcualtions of % complete based on labor on excel then i post that in the Physical % complete in teh P6 which is not affected by any change in quantities..i just hate that option when the activities are too many..


Thanks Shareef.. BTW i live in Canada but i used to work in Dubai before.. :)

moe barkouky
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Thanks a lot Shareef..

welll option 1 is not an option for me because the client wants to see material and nonlabor curves in P6..its contract requirement.. Also, the material quantities do change the units percentage completion unfortunately it constitutes part of the overall progress.. as for option two , it looks viable , yet the only problem is that when i update the quantities based on the duration, still the units percentage completion per task is affected by the changes of nonlabor and material quantities, so when i modify the Labor tyoe in the end, the progress is still impacted by the apples, bannanas, and oranges :)


i think there is no solution for this problem unless there is a button or a setting that may prevent any Resource type except for (e.g., LABOR Type) from updating the units % completion.  The only optio that i find viable and i am currently using is to do all the calcualtions of % complete based on labor on excel then i post that in the Physical % complete in teh P6 which is not affected by any change in quantities..i just hate that option when the activities are too many..


Thanks Shareef.. BTW i live in Canada but i used to work in Dubai before.. :)

Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hello Moe,

I certainly have misunderstood your need but the solution is pretty much what I have said

I would like to highlight "I do not use P6 regularly ==not an expert"

You have three types of resources in P6

1. Labour

2. Non Labour

3. materials.

Now as per your reply you have loaded Labour & Non Labour; (also mentioned materials).

The budgeted quantities of labour & Non Labour Work together to calculate the percentages in unit % complete type but the budgeted quantity of Material is not included (but this does impact on duration or drives duration if settings allow this).

Now you have two solutions:

1. Delete the Non Labour Resources from the resource list & put Remaining units/ time for Material resources as '0'.

2. Update the labour, Non Labour resources  & Material resources based on the duration first (automatically update resources, assuming everything goes as planned) and then modify the same data again for Labour as per actual information ( as Labour also gets updated when updated based on duration)


Now you will have a lot of things to keep in mind when you base labour as your progress indicator..Sometimes you might have already achieved your budgeted qty for labour but physical progress might still be very low. you have to keep playing with the settings to achieve actual conditions.


"So can I use only the Labor type units only to update progress? Like making it the driving resource type to calculating % complete ?"-------Yes Possible


Best regards

Shareef A Azeez

moe barkouky
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Hi Shereef, Cesar, and Rafael thanx a lot for your detailed replies .. I feel that my question was a bit unclear although shereef understood clearly but in the opposite direction (I.e. He thought I want to update particular quanitities using units % completion while I meant updating units % complete based on the units of Labor type only While disjoint non-labor from the whole scenario (ie update nonlabor won't affect units % complete)). The reason of me trying to solve this problem is that I want the the unit % complete to be only updated based on the labor type and not any other type because I set the labor type only to take my project manhours, while I used nonlabor type for loading quantities of material so that I can show graphs for it . My progress is dependent on actual manhours that I load in the Labor Resourse , this is a contract requirement and I previously used excel sheets and updated physical percent complete to show progress .. Now I am looking for an easier way.. now shifting now to using units % complete instead of physical , the units % complete changes as soon as I change the manhours (in labor type) or the quantities in the (nonlabor) type andthis is like adding apples to bananas and calculate % complete based on it .. So can I use only the Labor type units only to update progress? Like making it the driving resource type to calculating % complete ? Thnx a bunch moe
Rafael Davila
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“He just has to use: % complete type as 'Units'”, makes a lot of sense to me even when I do not have P6.

I am not sure Moe asked about material resources, we at Spider Project have material resources but it is not a mere label, it comes with much functionality, even if he did not asked about material resources I believe he shall take the opportunity to learn from you how P6 deals with it.



Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hi Rafael,


I feel Moe, has another situation at hand!!

He has already loaded all the resources with corresponding units pertime period (productivity), and might even have loaded cost for all the resources.


Now I guess he finds it difficult to update all the resources together. For eg:. Labour can easily be updated, but actual material usage , it requires a little more effort (an he wants the programme to update materials automatically).


The method you have mentioned is possible in P6.

He just has to use: % complete type as 'Units'.



Best Regards

Shareef A Azeez




Rafael Davila
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This shall be an easy task but remember; different resources might have different productivities.

For these purposes we use what we call Productivity Type Activities, we assign whatever resources we want and only those we assign a productivity will contribute to the total production. When you update actual production of each resource is transferred and the remaining duration is adjusted based on remaining volume of work and resource production. The following screens will show you how I do it.

Work by a few resources

You should have an equivalent way to do this in P6, try using other type of activity.




P.S. You should fire resource A and B, they are not as productive as they should.

Cesar Zacarias Vi...
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Moe, I'm also interested to the answers on the same question you asked to the guys out there but what I did with my schedule is I input earned values/units (Actuals) on each resource from my PMS (Progress Measurement System in excel) to P6 either at the resources assignments or at activity details. It's the opposite of what you intend to do but it serves my purpose of getting the remaining quantities for all resource to update forecast completion dates. But there should be a better way of doing it that I am also looking for from P6. Cesar