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Shane Harding
User offline. Last seen 13 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Mar 2006
Posts: 9

Greetings Planners!

I need some information / advice about the capabilities of this "ATC" software.( http://www.interplansystems.comI have zero exerience and have yet to find any other planners / schedulers with experience.  The number one issue that would be VERY helpful is in regards to exporting to Excel (CSV, Text, etc)....

A little background of what I'm tasked with starting in two days:  Move 1500 work plans (roughly 5000 activities) from ATC to P6. 

The importing,etc. portion isn't an issue once I have the raw data, but I was curious of the exporting capabilities of ATC.

ANY information would be GREATLY appreciated!

Cheers, Thanks, Regards, and G' Day!



Bernard Ertl
User offline. Last seen 9 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Nov 2002
Posts: 757

Hi Shane,

All ATC reports can be "printed" to Excel - exporting the data in a number of different formats.  Please send an email to InterPlan Systems' tech support and we will assist you.



InterPlan Systems