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Productivity rates and resource loading for team work

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Haresh Jayanth
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As per my companies productivity rates:

A mason & and a helper can execute - 8 Sqm of Blockwork per day.

Suppose i have 1000 sqm of block for an activity , i have to calculate mason required for doing the activity i.e. by a ratio:

= Total Budgeted Qty for activity / Standard productivity

since most of the work is a team work i.e. "Mason & Helper"....I have to assign Mason’s productivity rate.....So how can i determine productivity of a single resource if i assign separately each resource in Primavera?? Can anybody shower their experience.....and led this to useful discussion...


Haresh Jayanth


This is simple if to use Spider Project. Look at the screenshot:

 photo Productivity example_zpsd0pzetyw.jpg

Jan Daryl Fabregas
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I have a scenario. Consider the following:

Mason 1: can finish 10 sqm activity in 5 hrs.

Mason 2: can finish 10 sqm activity in 8 hrs.


Question: How fast they can finish 10 sqm activity if they work together?

Rafael Davila
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Another example of why good models require for the production rates be fully integral with the software is the case when the option to use different resource quantities the total team production rate varies.

 photo Variable Quantities_zpsxnpzvilt.png

Please look at Activity 2B - Rsource B Quantity Table, it starts with 9 resources for five days and at last day, four hours with 10 ea resources B.

In the case the team production rate is non-linear then simply model different teams each with its own production rate as members of the same Skill as a multi-resource and let the leveling engine select the team and adjust activity duration based on volume of work and production rate of selected available team.

Rafael Davila
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One of the basic reasons why production rates shall be fully integrated within the scheduling software is that production rates are different among different shifts.  The following is a simple shifts assignments scenario, so simple it consists of one activity. 

  • Activity 1A - 500 cm rock excavation Tams 1 and 2 working the activity on different shifts.
  • Team 1: 1ea Resource 1 with a production rate of 10 cm/hr and works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10 hrs/day.
  • Team 2: 1ea Resource 2 with a production rate of 15 cm/hour and works on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10 hrs./day.

We have a single activity, two teams, two shifts; the production rate of each shift is different, therefore the duration of the activity will depend on how the work is distributed among the shifts.

  • If activity starts on Monday it will take ~ 3 days 3 hrs.
  • If activity starts on Wednesday it will take ~ 2 days 7 hrs.

hany esmael
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I think this productivity rates mobile application could be useful for you

See how it works:

Download from Google Play:

Download from App store:

Khuong Do
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I wrote an article regarding How to define Resource Productivity in Primavera P6 and create schedule.

If you're interested, kindly read it here

Rafael Davila
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This is an old discussion from 2010.  

  • At times you need to model independent resource productivity.
  • At times you need to model teams productivity.
  • At times you need to model a combination, multiple independent resource and multiple teams productivity.
  • Needs[assignments] and productivity will vary depending on shifts.

It is usual that teams working at night have lower productivity than teams working during the day.  It is not unusual for different teams work on different days or different shifts. It is not unusual to require some resources or all to work as a team, some call it meeting resources.  It is not unusual to require all resources to work independently, some call it non-meeting resources. It is not unusual to require some resources work independently and some work as a team, we call it Rice and Beams and it is on our daily diet. 

P6 does not model productivity, P6 does not model teams therefore as resource assignments changes it get lost.

It is DUMB.

Best Regards,


Sunil Babu
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Hi Haresh,

Calculate the resource seperatly based on productivity norms and gang requirements.

Load the resources into primavera based on that.

Best Regards,


manu vargz
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Help me please

Does Anyone has a copy of resources productivity rate( labor and non labor) for infrastructure projects.

Can anyone share it to me.

manu vargz
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Help me please

Does Anyone has a copy of resources productivity rate( labor and non labor) for infrastructure projects.

Can anyone share it to me.

manu vargz
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Help me please

Does Anyone has a copy of resources productivity rate( labor and non labor) for infrastructure projects.

Can anyone share it to me.

Rodel Marasigan
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P6 don’t have precise QTY field. It use Unit/Time to distribute resource assignment.
Ex: Hour per time period = 8h/d, 40h/w, 173h/m etc...
unit/time = 8/day = 1 resource (i.e. mason). If 2 mason required then equals to 16/day. You have to convert productivity by day or hours as set on my example on post #2.

Say 2 mason & 1 labor for 8sqm. How many hours per sqm? You can ask your QS for the norm he used or there is a lot of norms available in the internet if you google. Planning planet also have productivity rate but every country and every locations have different rates or norms.
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Mr. Haresh asked about how to do it in Primavera P6. Becacuse I have the same problem, I have loaded 3 resources in an activity. i.e A1 (material), B1 (Mason) & B2 (Labor). I have loaded BQ for A1 (i’e 100sq.m) & I want to get the BQ of B1 (Mason) & B2 (Labor)in P6 by using the standard productivty ( 2 mason & 1 labour for 8 sqm.
Please advice.
Mike Testro
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Hi Haresh

Just call your resource Blocklaying Gang.

Best regards

Mike T.
Hi Haresh,
Your approach is right but I don’t know how it may be realized in P6. Maybe Rodel knows the solution.
In Spider Project you may create resource crew (multi-resource) that includes certain numbers of masons and helpers, define mason productivity on this type of work and assign multi-resource. For an activity you shall enter the volume of work to be done (1000 sqm) and duration will be calculated automatically.
If you will want to accelerate the work adding new masons and helpers to the crew then it is enough to update resources that belong to multi-resource in its definition and select updating all multi-resource assignments. The schedule will be calculated basing on new multi-resource productivity (if the number of masons was increased).
Resource productivities on different types of assignments can be stored in special databases (reference-books) and used in all projects of the organization.
Best Regards,
Rodel Marasigan
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Common practice is productivity rate are pertaining to gang rates and very rare to one tradesman or person.

Productivity rate also consider all contributing factor to arrive on the most probable rate.
Ex: Brickwork
Contributing factor:
a) Source of bricks to be installed (hauling) average contribution before brickwork can be done.
b) Location (height, ground level, above ground level, etc…)
c) Preparation of work (level and guide lines, scaffolding etc..)
d) Mortar source and location
e) Idle time
If all of those are not included on the rates then how are they measured?

If using production gang rate then you need to know how it is being develop.
Ex1) Brick work (assuming all factors apply)
a)     Helper = 50 % (supplying bricks & mortar)
b)     Mason = 100% (preparation & laying)
Total = 8sqm/ day therefore 1 helper can assist 2 mason.

Ex2) Brick work (assuming all factors apply using high risk and higher level)
a)     Helper = 200% (supplying bricks & mortar)
b)     Mason = 100% (preparation & laying)
Total = 8sqm/day therefore 2 helper needed to assist 1 mason
Note: This is for illustration and sample only and not base on actual facts.