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Quantum of Work Each Planner Can handle?

13 replies [Last post]
Salman Ahmed
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Hi all experts here,

Please need your opinion on:
Considering an average planner (not an advanced planner who uses SDK/VB or any other addon functions.
Also, considering that all the data required is available to him. (Estimates,productivity std., Bill of quantities etc)

1. How many activiteies-schedule he can handle? (size)
2. How much time he should take to prepare a schedule?
(1000/2000/3000 Activities how much time)
3. How much time he should take to calculate the resources?


Ishmael Mutsvanemoto
User offline. Last seen 4 years 41 weeks ago. Offline


Following on from your previous email on this forum about bulk material, I am interested in picking your brains on the experience gained since. I am interested in tracking and reporting BOQ/BOM in P6 per WBS or other means in Primavera once the material is on site during construction. I would appreciate your help and if possible please send me a sample WBS to


Thanking you in advance.






Oliver Melling
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That discussion belongs on a buddhist philosophy forum, as pressure comes from ones self in all cases! :D
Trevor Rabey
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Oliver, I am curious. Wherefrom comes the pressure?
Oliver Melling
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IMHO. Complexity in one industry differs to the amount you expect in others.

Residential blocks are not complicated, and most construction projects are based on proven techniques of construction, this is why there are soo many books available for estimating norms within the industry. (as the type of effort required from each resource is quantifiable)

When you are trying to create a concept design for doing something that has never been done before which has more factors than just gravity to its complexity increases.

In highly regulated industries there are more factors to getting approval for design before scheme, detailed design and the ’doing’ stages can commence. Projects often have trials at the front end that are designed to prove the chosen methods for completing the main body of work. Methods need to be substantiated from a safety, environmental and quality point of view also, which again adds more complexity as, if something hasnt been done before (ie uses unproven technology or new methods of working) how can this be quantified? (Bearing in mind that the number resources for norms and procedures are fewer in number)

If i had a project to lay 10,000,000,000,000 miles of road on even ground with unform ground conditions in a stable climate i could plan the 10 gazillions activity project in 1 week.

If had to remove, sort and store various different chemical from various containers in various environments safely, then it might take me 4 weeks.

My overall point being that each project is different, each industry is different and each company works differently.

(This message is soo long as Ive not been on here for ages and needed to relieve a little pressure :D)
Mike Testro
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Hi All

A short time ago I posted this thread:

"Hey Guys

Why dont we all get together and do the programme for Mukunda.

Only if it is done bottom up and on Powerproject - I could do it in about 90 minutes - finishings and MEP together.

Best regards

Mike Testro."

This was in relation to a 9 storey - 2 level basement - residential block.

I failed my own challenge - 999 tasks and it took me 235 minutes.

Whenever I create a new cascade of tasks I save it in a library - when a similar situation arises in a new project I simply copy / paste into the correct location and link up and adjust as necessary.

Can a really complex programme be completed in less than a week - of course it can and if you know what you are doing it can be less than a day.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Shah. HB
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Hi samer

I agree with your statement.I said in general point of view
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Shahul,

It depends on the party that is doing the interview. Usually, I let them do a small project within 30 minutes period to be able to guage if they can include all the basic components of scheduling.

I think that you need to ask more detailed questions in order to guess how much work them can do. Besides, you have three 3 months probation period.

With kind regards,

Shah. HB
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Hi to all

This subject seems to be the frequent question posted to planner’s during an interview
Samer Zawaydeh
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hahah, Very nice Trevor.

In addition to what you said guys, you have experience. That factor reduces the work by an order of magnitude. For the simple fact that you can do the job faster with better quality. And Trevor can keep picking up the 10,000 Bills.

With kind regards,

Trevor Rabey
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$1M house, 1000 tasks, 1000 resources, WBS, CP, Cost, Cash Flow, the whole shooting match:

Enlightened client + necessary information available + 1 guy who knows what he is doing, 2 weeks, $10,000AUD. Call me.
Jay S
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Assume the Planner Type 20 Words per Minute

Average Activity Name = 10 Word

That is Two Activities Per Minute

120 Activities Per Hours

960 Activities per Day.

Now you have a Schedule in one day with 960 Activities

What is the Qaulity is ??????

Matt Betros
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I think it is a matter of complexity. If you’re spending 3 weeks on a complex project, then there isn’t enough effort put into the plan.

I think size and project complexity are the keys to understanding the work load you can handle.

I know that I can only take on one larger complex project and 2 or 3 smaller ones without burning out completely! So I guess sleep also is a variable.. who need sleep?
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Salman,

If you have been working for a year on Scheduling, you should be able to handle up to 1000 easily, 2000 medium and 3000 challenging.

You should be able to create the schedule within 3 weeks as well.

Please remember that you can’t do this alone, and your construction team must support you. So you need the face-to-face time and keep asking them questions. Utlimately, you need you project manager support to make it happen.

With kind regards,
