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Cost for each Activity

8 replies [Last post]
Ali Hamouda
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Hi, I want to explode this Question so as we can enreach all the members knowledge about Planning. what is the procedure in estimating the Cost for each Activity?


Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 5 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Dear Friends,
There are books& methods about cost engineering in the PM.

Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 5 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Dear Friends,
The Cost element is very important in PM.
In order to Cost estimate should creat CWBS based on WBS.
In each work unit of CWBS you should suppose followings elements:
1- Direct Cost
2- Indiredct Cost
3- Overhead
Any part of this section have subsection such as ( salary, equipment, ... )

Se de Leon
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Hi Muneer,

Our estimating group is using CCS, while for planning we are using either P3 or MSP. Can you expound more on how do you do your integration process. Are you using CCS for planning also or do you use other planning softwares?


Best regards to you.

Forum Guest
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Hi friends,
This is what i do. (using CCS software-an intergrated sofware I make link to each activity with Boq Item. There is an option if the activity does not correspond fully to one bq item the bq item can be splitted to other activity and it inidicates whehter it is over-or under allocated . The esitmated cost flow into the activty
and splits into the periods of planning in weeks or months.

Mohd Mahd
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in short, no body can object a straight question, without those insulting expressions. again pls, use proper language, suitable for this place. nothing else.
Ali Hamouda
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Again, I am not going be involved in such a way of talking from a man(supposed to beprofessional) Dear if you realy knows planning, you should give answer other than talking by this way in a place of professional. Are u knew in Planning? Ali ----------------- this is the last reply from me to you , and I am not going to answer unpolite people. ---------------------------------------
Ernesto Puyana
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I little understanding of the international character of this forum can help you tolerate the natural limitations some of us have on foreign lenguages. By the way, is that cyber-garbage you so offensively use supposed to be english? Let's EXPLORE the subject: What estimation method is most commonly used wideworld,lump sum? Do you estimate the cost of schedule activities directly (labor, materials, equipment) and assign those as resources? I usually have to do it otherwise. Most contracts in our country are unit price. So in proposals I have to compute unit price analisys and apply them to budget items, each assigned a certain quantity. WBS is seldom used, so budget item are large basquets where work corresponding to different activities fall under the same code. What I do is create budget items as resources and assign to each activity the quantities of thos items correspondieg to it's scope. This has a drawback: I can not profile materials, labor or equipment, only cost. But otherwise I would have to do the budget twice.
Mohd Mahd
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1- pls keep that explosion for some other place. 2- why do not u show how deep u r? after all, this is not a proper language at all. i do not know how it has been allowed!!!