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How to set Baseline- After revised the Schedule and to

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abbas india
User offline. Last seen 14 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 35
Hi all,,

Can anybody know how to set baseline after we revised the Schedule and to set this revised Schedule as a baseline to the revised current schedule.??

When I tried by Project - Maintain baselines- add- save a copy of the revised schedule and assigned to the revised current schedule, it gave me wrong baseline dates and all completed activities having without Actual dates in it.

Please help,

Best regards,


Iyke Nwosu
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Dear Abbas,

when you want to maintain your baseline, selecting "Save a copy of the current project as baseline" will maintain the baseline based on that very project, to correctly select the right baseline, choose the second option "Convert another program.........", make sure to have imported the baseline program and select the program, Assigne afterwards. Re-schedule and your actual dqate will return.



Iyke Nwosu

Ferdinand U.
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abbas india
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During revision itself we will have actual dates in i!!

The same file is taking a copy and assigning as baseline but it loosing the actual dates.

Ferdinand U.
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you need to use global change for activity status equals in progress and completed before assigning as baseline