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How to set Baseline- After revised the Schedule and to

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abbas india
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Hi all,,

Can anybody know how to set baseline after we revised the Schedule and to set this revised Schedule as a baseline to the revised current schedule.??

When I tried by Project - Maintain baselines- add- save a copy of the revised schedule and assigned to the revised current schedule, it gave me wrong baseline dates and all completed activities having without Actual dates in it.

Please help,

Best regards,


Md Sabeel
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Dear all,


As i have prepare the Balance work program with some ongoing progress activities like ( Actual Start updated with some 75% and for that my finish date is showing as 30-Nov-12), i send it for approval to client they agreed n said me to update the same program, then started maintainning the baseline as a Same project then i go to assign baseline der i select the project baseline as well as py. baseline then i assign it in activity layout i have introduced the columns saying BL Project Start and BL Project Finish here i have the problem where ever i have updated are mention the Actual the start date is remainning is same but the finish date is not match with BL Finish date.


Any idea pls..

User offline. Last seen 5 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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It seems so long that we didn't exchange ideas.Hope you'r good.

Dear Just want to knw wat is procedure to prepare an impact analysis for an ongoing project wherein project undergoes lot of technical changes, and additions & alterations etc.also project has weekly updated status.

Pl guide me based on your experiance.



Raja Ghosal.

Usama Ahmed
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All activities are assign and schedule then we realize that one activity left so when we add it primavera p6 opens a tab

do u want to add a start on or after constraint on 12-jan-10 to hold the activity in place? yes or no


so what can i do......please help

Rashid Iqbal
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Some times I have to run Global change a few time before all the planned dates are equal to early dates..

Has someone else has faced the same issue i.e. running the global change a few times before it completely overwrites the old dates?

Rodel Marasigan
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I also used that settings and it doesn’t help. Try to do some experiment and the baseline will still have slippage. That setting is only used for Earned Value calculation but not for aligning revise baseline to current project. We already have that discussion before as link below:

Baseline with actual dates in
Baseline dates problems
niles luo
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hi all,
In order to solve this problem, we can revise the configuration of P6 system. Detail is changing the option of Aadmin preferences->earned value->earned value caculation->when caculating earned value from a baseline use, at this point we can choose the Budgeted value with current dates.
Rodel Marasigan
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Yes it will gave some error but not to worry because it error only on milestones because if start Milestone then no finish date only start and finish Milestone don’t have start date only finish date.
abbas india
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Hi Rodel,

Thank you very much.

While running the Global changes it gave some error, when I committed the changes it worked.

Thanking you once again.

Rodel Marasigan
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Your doing it correctly but baseline will always show the planned date and not the actual date.
Here are the steps you need to do if you want the actual start and finish will be shown on the baseline.
Restore your baseline under Project-> Maintain Baseline then click the baseline and click Restore.
Open the restore baseline and run a global change
Planned Start = Start
Planned Finish = Finish

Note: Dont reschedule(f9) because if the logic is wrong the planned date will change again.

Show the column Planned Start, Planned Finish, Start and Finish and check if Planned Start = Start and Planned Finish = Finish. If both are the same then maintained and attached the baseline again. That should reflect the revised baseline.
Note: You also need to select which baseline are you using: Project Baseline or User Primary Baseline Under Project Directory-> Setting Tab. That should match when assigning baseline to current Project.