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10 day max duration

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Craig Adams
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Posts: 71
Hello everyone,

I have read good practice is to have tasks no longer than 10 days. I have just started with an organisation who’s projects typically run 3 to 5 years.

Many of the existing programmes have tasks such as council approval for development applications taking 12 months to process. Should I be delving into these and splitting them into 10 day tasks or are external tasks OK to leave with such long durations?


Craig Adams
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Bo,Mike and Samer,

Thanks for your advice guys.

Fairly new to full time programming and appreciate this forum and hope I can answer a few questions in the future.

Bo Johnsen
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Hi Mike,

Correct, no vertical drop line for progress in MSP similar to the one in Powerproject.

And yes, buffer task, like in Powerproject is not available in MSP either, however, a hammock task (for the buffer period) based on your milestone for "Design Complete" and your milestone for "Construction Start" could just be made in MSP instead.

I guess some "following-up" on Powerproject for my part is needed. Haven’t used it for some months.

Best regards,

Mike Testro
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Hi Bo

I was refering to the vertical drop line for progress - not available on MSP.

And Asta Powerproject is the only software that allows conversion of a standard bar to a buffer bar.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Craig,

The PMI standard and the AACE standard links the duration to the reporting cycle. The Work Package duration is 2-3 times the reporting cycle and the Activity Duration is equal or less than the reporting cycle duration.

With kind regards,

Bo Johnsen
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"...say Design Complete and another - some twelve months later - for start construction..." - That must definitely be a dream come true. Haven’t yet experienced that on any projects. Most of the times nowadays it is either fast-track projects (design and construction running parallel, design slightly ahead) or ultra-fast track where construction ends before the design is complete.

Anyway, good thing with the buffer, but the statement about not being possible in MSP is most probably not correct. MSP can easily be configured to show how much time is left of the buffer / hammock period dependent of the progress / status date / current date.

Best regards,

Mike Testro
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Hi Craig

It is good planning policy to limit the duration of tasks that the contractor has control of where resources can be allocated and progress recorded.

It is different for programme bars where the contractor has no control - such a development applications.

In such cases I use milestones at the start and finish of the space in my programme that this period fills and cover it with a buffer task.

So I would have a milestone for say Design Complete and another - some twelve months later - for start construction.

If necessary these can be held appart by a + Leadlag set to calendar days.

When the start milestone is 100% complete the progress timeline will track across the period showing how much time is left. (Its a shame you can’t do this in MSP)

I use this technique for things such as provisional sums and service connections.

Best regards

Mike Testro